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Location West of the Temple of the Mourning Springs
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Easy Profession Farmer

Dirsherr is a Khajiit farmer who can be found west of the Temple of the Mourning Springs. He watches the sheep on the south side of the road, occasionally looking out towards Speckled Shell Plantation.


Rarely, he'll make comments to no one in particular.

Dirsherr: "The sheep, they require so much goading of late. The storm, it has them on edge."
Dirsherr: "Naturally! And you, sister. Give my regards to mother, yes?"


  • Dirsherr appears to be scripted to speak with someone, but nobody approaches him on his hill by the roadside, even when his dialogue implies he's responding to someone.