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(lore page)
Location Hall of the Dead
Bleakridge BarrowGreymoor
Race Draugr Gender Varies
Health 13,846
34,501 (Bleakridge Barrow)Greymoor
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Condition Undead
A Draugr Scourge
Draugr Polymorph (female)
Draugr Polymorph (male)

Draugr are Nordic undead most often found in the ancient tombs of Skyrim. They are also encountered at Dark Anchors and at The Howling Sepulchers in Upper Craglorn.


Related QuestsEdit


  • A draugr polymorph is available in the Crown Store.
  • Most Dragon Priests are technically draugr.
  • The draugr found in the Howling Sepulchers are described as Nedes, despite draugr being a Nord-specific concept.
  • Not every draugr encountered is part of the technical draugr race; many of them have the a Nord base race with a draugr skin applied. The only true members of the technical race would be the models used in polymorphs, distinguished by the glowing blue eyes. The draugr skin is also used by some non-draugr, like the desiccated zombies fought at Abyssal Geysers.
  • The foes named "Draugr" at the Hall of the Dead are foot soldiers, and those in Bleakdrige Barrow are tanks.