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Online:Dreadsail Serpent-Tongue

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Dreadsail Serpent-Tongue
Location Castle Tonnere: Eldertide Hollow, Coasts of High Isle and Amenos
Draoife Dell, Dreadsail Sea Witch Sanctum, Coasts of Galen, Llanshara, Suncleft Grotto, Vastyr Cathedral District, Westport, Windwrack FortFiresong
Race Maormer Gender Varies
Health 29,870
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Dreadsails
Dreadsail Serpent-Tongue on Galen

The Dreadsail Serpent-Tongues are Maormer pirates affiliated with the Dreadsails. They can summon Reef Vipers during combat.

Dreadsail Serpent-Tongue
Location Dreadsail Reef
Race Maormer Gender Varies
Health Normal1,373,064Veteran2,500,000 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile
Other Information
Faction(s) Dreadsails
Dreadsail Serpent-Tongue

The Dreadsail Serpent-Tongues at Dreadsail Reef are stronger.

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