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Online:Dredaza the Ringmaster

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Dredaza the Ringmaster
Location Imperial City's Arena Distrct
Race Xivkyn Gender Female
Health 412,579 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 2.png
Reaction Hostile
Daedra Hearts, Imperial Fragments, Tel Var Stones
Dredaza the Ringmaster

Dredaza the Ringmaster is a Xivkyn mage found in the Imperial City's Arena District. She is the arena announcer and final boss of the story-required Arena event. After her defeat, Historoth the Lesser will take over her role and a reward chest appearing at the center of the arena.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

You'll need to fight Migoruz before you can face Dredaza. She descends from the stands wreathed in fire when Migoruz's health falls to 10%. If you die to the Ringmaster, you'll need to fight Migoruz again.

Spirit Shield
After Dredaza absorbs Migoruz's essence, she gains a damage shield for a brief period of time.
Daedric Bombardment
While fighting Migoruz, and later her as well, Dredaza waves her hands in the air, channeling a blue spell. This causes cold-fire meteors to bombard the battlefield. Avoid the giant red circles, or else you'll take very high physical damage. She occasionally stops to call down this ability while she's in the ring, after disposing of Migoruz.
Fright Force
A basic ranged ability dealing moderate-high magic damage.
Aspect of Terror
Dredaza canalizes a fear spell and launches it at a target, causing it to cower in fear. This can be interrupted to stagger Dredaza.
When her health falls to 30%, she begins using this ability. Dredaza focuses a beam of red energy at you which stuns you, dealing continuous moderate magic damage to you and healing herself for ~7 times that amount. Break free of this ability to stop taking damage and prevent her from healing.
Games Flames
Dredaza disappears in a burst of flame, which deals high flame damage. She travels to another part of the Arena, as indicated by the fireball that sails from her original location and lands where she intends to go.
Summon Flame Atronach
Dredaza summons four Flame Atronachs, which spawn in three different areas in a pillar of flame.


Entering the arena:

Dredaza the Ringmaster: "You'll regret coming here, mortal. You think you'll survive this? Amusing! You're bold … but foolish!"

The Devourer is summoned. She occasionally calls out to it during combat. This dialogue has no subtitles.

"It is time to feed, my pet!"
"Rend the flesh from their bones!"
"Go, my pet. Make them scream!"
"Kill them! Kill them all!"
"The beast hungers!"

After killing The Devourer:

Dredaza the Ringmaster: "Impressive! Savor this victory, for it will be your last!"

After killing Uzzai:

Dredaza the Ringmaster: "Your flesh is tired, mortal. Weak. Can you summon up the will to continue? I yearn to see you broken!"

When Migoruz reaches 50% health, the Ringmaster teleports down into the arena to face you.

Dredaza the Ringmaster: "Another beast wounded? Ha! Despair, mortal! The master has arrived!"

She channels a spell at the Ogrim. This dialogue has no subtitles.

"Molag Bal demands sacrifice!"
"Behold, the price of failure!"
"Your strength is mine, beast!"
"Bend, slave! Grant me your strength!"
"Come, beast, and pay tribute!"


  • During Imperial City's initial development, Dredaza was called "The Games Master".
  • Favor of the Game Master appear to be a cut buff/debuff affiliated with the fight against Dredaza before she was renamed, though Furor of the Game Master is still used for "Daedric Bombarment" in the logs.


There is one achievement associated with this NPC:

Achievement Points Description
   Imperial Arena Champion 15 Complete the Imperial City Arena by slaying the Ringmaster and her monstrous servants.
