- In the ceaseless wars of Oblivion, there will always be scoundrels. After rooking marks of goods and foes of lives, this rugged, Dremora-style coat lets you slink away, sounding no louder than a whisper.
Dremora Deceiver Duster Appearance |
Type | Costume |
Acquired From | Crown Store All-Maker Crate |
Reward Level | Legendary |
Price | 1,000 ![]() 800 ![]() 100 ![]() 3,600 ![]() |
Availability | July 15, 2021 - July 22, 2021 |
The Dremora Deceiver Duster was available in the Crown Store for 1,000 from July 15 to July 22, 2021. It is also available as a Legendary-level reward in the All-Maker Crates. It matches the Dremora Deceiver's Diadem.
- Slot 1: Grey parts, including front of boots and outer shell of gloves (basically the whole torso)
- Slot 2: Brown parts (undershirt, pants poking through the inner thigh, inner fabric of gloves including hands, sleeves, and most of the boots' surface area)
- Slot 3: Metal parts (amulet, armored pauldron, metal fixtures on boots)
(The white buckles on the front of the duster are not dyeable; however, their white hue looks more intense on female characters)