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Home Settlement Shrouded Vale
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
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Erunor is a Wood Elf and has been selected to become the new caretaker of the Fading Tree of Shrouded Vale.

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Before the quest, he says:

"It's good to breathe mundane air again, but we have a lot to do to prepare. No time for dallying."

Once you've spoken to his wife, Laniriel, he'll welcome you to the village properly:

"Ah, another visitor! You've arrived at an auspicious time for our village.
I am Erunor of Shrouded Hollow."
Your wife said you could tell me more about your village.
"You've met Laniriel? She speaks too freely sometimes, but I will tell you what I can.
Our village, as you may be aware, is not here normally. A long time ago, our treethanes and ancestors swore a sacred oath to which we are still bound."
What was this oath?
"It's not my place to reveal the nature of the oath. For that, you must speak to our current caretaker, Henodras. If you wait, you might also speak to the new caretaker, when one is chosen."
The new caretaker hasn't been selected yet?
It's an honor to be selected. Once the preparations are complete, the old caretaker passes his duties to the new one."

Once you've let Henodras start the ceremony, you'll hear:

Henodras: "We come together once more to choose the next caretaker."
Henodras: "The Wilderking entrusted the Fading Tree to us, and this is part of our oath."
Henodras: "My time as caretaker nears its end, and the Fading Tree will choose my successor."

<Henodras will meditate to create a green aura which will spread to Erunor.>

Erunor: "What's happening?"
Henodras: "The Fading Tree chooses Erunor! Erunor, you will be our next caretaker!"
Erunor: "Me? The tree picked me? I'm honored! I'll do my best!"
Henodras: "Come, Erunor. We have much to discuss."

Henodras and Erunor will continue the ceremony, just as bad news arrives:

Laniriel: "Orcs! Orcs are attacking the village!"
Laniriel: "Erunor! Cantadir! Oriadess! We're under attack!"
Cantadir: "Quick! We must defend the village!"

Once the Wood Orcs have been defeated, return to the tree and witness the completion of the ceremony:

Henodras: "Come forward, Erunor, caretaker-to-be."
Erunor: "I, Erunor, in accordance with the Oath of Protection, stand ready."
Henodras: "On behalf of the Wilderking, will you care for the Fading Tree?"
Erunor: "I am honored to serve the Wilderking and our people."
Henodras: "The Fading Tree is yours to protect. May the years pass quickly."

Speaking to him to let him know about his wife's pregnancy and to decide on what is best for his family:

"This is incredible! I feel the life of the Fading Tree flow within me! Have you seen my wife? Where's Laniriel? Why hasn't she come to congratulate me?"
Laniriel asked me to talk to you.
"Has she?
I love Laniriel. But we swore an oath to leave a caretaker to protect the Fading Tree. That is the price the whole village must pay so that we can live in the paradise the Wilderking creates for us."
Couldn't they choose another caretaker if you decline?
"Do you think I haven't thought of this?
But I would be failing my oath to the Wilderking and the entire village if I didn't stay behind."
Laniriel's pregnant. She asked me to tell you.
"What? I didn't know. Why didn't she tell me? What kind of caretaker would I be if I didn't care for my own child? And yet, I have a responsibility to the entire village now.
This problem comes at a terrible time. I must decide quickly."
The Wood Orcs withdrew. The village is safe now.
"Not that. It's the tree. Now that I can feel its essence, I realize it's weaker than it used to be and needs special care. The village must return to the other realm immediately so the caretaker … so I can tend it without distraction."
Laniriel didn't know that, did she?
"Only the old caretaker knew. The village is set to leave soon.
If anything happens to the tree, its link between Tamriel and our village is severed. They can never return unless I stay behind."

If you told him to honor his duties:

You should protect the tree. / Maybe you should protect the tree.
"I've accepted the oath. It's my duty to be caretaker now. I must stay!
But … a child. Our village has had so few over the years. Surely it's a sign of something wonderful. Will I regret staying behind in case something happens to the tree?"
It's not an easy decision.
"No. It's not. No matter which I choose, I will always wonder what would've happened had I taken the other path.
I know which way is easy, and which is hard. What would you choose? I will do as you would, since the Wilderking sent you to us."
You're right. You'd be failing the whole village if you abandoned your post.
"Indeed. The village can help raise my child, but I'm the Fading Tree's only caretaker now.
I'll stay behind to tend the tree, in accordance to my oath. The village must leave before its too late. Go. Tell Laniriel I—just go."
I'll tell her.
<Erunor sounds a signaling horn.>

Speaking to him again before going to Laniriel to let her know he's staying behind:

"You've done much to help the village. None of us will forget you. But now, I must ask you to leave me to my fate."

If you told him to stay with his family:

You should go with your wife / Maybe you should go with your wife.
"I would. Naturally, I want to! But, everyone else is ready to leave. As soon as the Orcs cleared out, they prepared. There's no one else left to leave as the caretaker."
It's not an easy decision.
"No. It's not. No matter which I choose, I will always wonder what would've happened had I taken the other path.
I know which way is easy, and which is hard. What would you choose? I will do as you would, since the Wilderking sent you to us."
You know what's right. You need to take care of your family.
"Perhaps this child shows the Wilderking is pleased by our service and won't let anything happen to the Fading Tree. He wouldn't let anything happen to it.
My family needs me. When the village returns to the Wilderking's paradise, I'll go with it."
I'll meet you at the village.
<Erunor sounds a signaling horn.>

If you've told Erunor to stay with his family, he and his wife will have a brief conversation:

Laniriel: Erunor! Seeing you gladdens my heart!
Erunor: Had I know sooner about you … About us ….
Laniriel: I thought we would have more time. And now, we shall.
Erunor: Prepare for our journey, beloved. I will join you soon.
Laniriel: I leave joyfully, knowing you'll be with us.

<Laniriel will touch the tree and leave the mortal plane.>

Speaking to him before he leaves the mortal plane:

Fate brought you to us at this turning point. I'm glad to heed your advice. We must cling to life wherever we find it. You reminded me of that, and I thank you.
So you're leaving? What will happen to the Fading Tree?
The Wilderking could create a new tree in its place, or perhaps now we're meant to stay in paradise.
If the Fading Tree survives, we'll return again, and I'll know my decision was correct. If we never return, at least I'll be with my family to the end.

Once you have completed the quest, he will vanish to the Wilderking's plane to join his wife.