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Home Settlement Mathiisen
Location Warehouse
Race High Elf Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Smith

Esteltin is a High Elf smith who can be found at a desk in one of the warehouse's in Mathiisen. Condalin is his cousin, and as such, he managed to get a cushy job as the "Chief of the Flame".


When you first arrive in town, he explains how "hardworking" he is:

"Leave me be, stranger. I'm a very busy man."
What do you do?
"My cousin, Conadlin, appointed me Chief of the Flame. I make sure the forges are always hot and running during working hours."
That sounds very important.
"It is! So important, in fact, that I'm paid ten times what these workers get. Hah!"
And who is Condalin, again?
"Why, he's the Forgemaster. Runs the whole operation.
He pulls all the strings around here. With the Canonreeve's approval, of course."

After his cousin is revealed to be an ally of the Veiled Heritance, his situation has changed:

"Leave me be, stranger. I'm a very busy man."
Why is that?
"The foreman has me working all the time. Things were much better when my cousin was still alive."


  • At some point, his location changed from Condalin's House to the dockside warehouse.