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Help fulfill the last wishes of a dead man.
Zone: Rivenspire
Quest Giver: Handre's Last Will
Location(s): Flyleaf Catacombs, Hoarfrost Downs
Reward: Low Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Low Experience
ID: 657
Buy Fadeel from Ozalan and set him free
I found the last wishes of someone named Handre. He was going to use a gem he stole from the bandits to buy Fadeel's freedom.

Quick WalkthroughEdit

  1. Find and read Handre's last will in Flyleaf Catacombs.
  2. Take the gem from Handre's remains.
  3. Head to Hoarfrost Downs.
  4. Speak to Master Ozalan and pay him to set Fadeel free.

Detailed WalkthroughEdit

While in the Flyleaf Catacombs, you can find a letter next to some skeletal remains. It is the last will and testament of a man called Handre.

"At this point, I have accepted that I will die here, with my life's dream unrealized. I write this note in the hope that someone will find it and carry out my last wishes so that even if we cannot be together, at least Fadeel will have his freedom."
<Continue reading.>
"I watched as Fadeel grew from a young colt into a proud stallion, and I have watched as Master Ozalan abused this noble creature, using him as a packhorse. I vowed that some day, I would buy Fadeel and set him free."
<Continue reading.>
"I stole a gem from the Bitterhand Bandits, but they caught me and will soon kill me. If you are reading this, please, fulfill my last wish. Take the gem to Ozalan in Hoarfrost Downs and trade it for Fadeel's freedom."
I should search Handre's remains for the gem.

Luckily the Stolen Gem can still be found on his remains. With it in hand, you can leave the ruins and head to the village of Hoarfrost Downs. Once there Master Ozalan can be found at the stables and he quickly shows himself to be an unpleasant individual when you approach him.

Master Ozalan: "Why will you not listen? Beef-witted beast! Must I tie a torch to your tail again to teach you?"

You can then speak with Master Ozalan to see if he willing to trade for the horse.

"Stupid horse. Does not even know how to do what he is told. I have a good mind just to feed the stupid thing to the dogs."
Then maybe you'd be interested in trading him for this gem?
"You mean you would actually trade me that for this unworthy beast? If you are willing to do that, you are as dumb as the damn horse!
What will you do with him? He's only good for hauling heavy loads, and he's not even much good for that!"
I'm going to set him free.
"Ha! You are crazy as that dog-loving boy Handre! This horse does not want to be free. He would not even know what to do.
I will trade with you, but no taking it back. You will feel like a fool when the stupid thing just stands there."
We'll see.

After this you can approach Fadeel who will be skittish and wary of you.

<The horse eyes you nervously as if he's expecting to be beaten.>
You're free now, Fadeel.
<Fadeel hesitates for a moment and then turns to go.>

You will somehow receive some gold as Handre's final wish is fulfilled. As Fadeel races off, Master Ozalan will be shocked.

Master Ozalan: "Fadeel … what are you doing? Wait! No! Come back here you stupid beast!"


  • It's possible to interact with the gem prior to starting the quest normally. Using the prompt will remove the physical gem but nothing happens after and it is not added to your inventory until you interact with the skeleton. ?

Quest StagesEdit

Fadeel's Freedom
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I should see if the gem Handre mentioned is still hidden on his body.
Objective: Search Handre's Remains
I found the gem. Now I should attempt to locate Master Ozalan in Hoarfrost Downs and carry out Handre's wish.
Objective: Find Master Ozalan in Hoarfrost Downs
With luck, Master Ozalan is still interested in trading Fadeel for the gem.
Objective: Talk to Master Ozalan
Finishes quest  I used Handre's gem to secure the freedom of the packhorse Fadeel. Once Fadeel is set free, Handre's last wish will be fulfilled.
Objective: Talk to Fadeel
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.