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UESPWiki β

Location Coldrock Diggings
Race Redguard Gender Female
Health 66,924 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Nullifier
Other Information
Condition Vampire
Bladethirst of the Order of Diagna
Direnni Elegy Loop (Ring of the Pale Order)

Feremuzh is a Redguard vampire leading the coven found in the Coldrock Diggings.

Once defeated, she has a chance to drop the Direnni Elegy Loop antiquity lead for the Ring of the Pale Order. She also drops the Bladethirst of the Order of Diagna, a unique item in the Order of Diagna item set.


When you engage her in combat, she speaks to you.

Feremuzh: "Another sacrifice? How delicious. Let's see if you're strong enough to become one of my pet thralls."