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Online:Ferzend al-Sentinel

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Ferzend al-Sentinel
Location Sentinel Docks
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Easy Profession Fisher
Ferzend al-Sentinel

Ferzend al-Sentinel is a Redguard fisher found on the Sentinel Docks after you clear the Ra-Netu by defeating Salmaran. He stands on a small lowered pier on the west side of the docks next to his sunken boat.

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He will seem to be quite optimistic despite what happened at the docks:

"Fair winds and blessings, my friend!"
Looks like your boat sunk.
"Indeed it did."
You seem to be taking it well.
"Yes, well, the city guard was taking some interest in my cargo just before the attack. Their suspicions, while totally unfounded, could have caused some delays. I've a very tight schedule, you see.
Now, I shall start again. Unsuspected, this time."