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ON-icon-skill-Restoration Staff-Force Siphon.png Force Siphon
Line Restoration Staff
Line Rank 38 Cost Free
Cast Time Instant Duration 24 seconds
Target Enemy
Range 28 meters
Morph ON-icon-skill-Restoration Staff-Siphon Spirit.png Siphon Spirit
Also applies Minor Magickasteal to the enemy.
ON-icon-skill-Restoration Staff-Quick Siphon.png Quick Siphon
Allies who hit the enemy target also gain Minor Expedition.
Values are based on Max Magicka/Stamina 12000, Max Health 16000, and Weapon/Spell Damage 1000.
Force Siphon and Quick Siphon visual
Force Siphon: Duration: [18 / 20 / 22 / 24] seconds.
Focus your staff's power to apply Minor Lifesteal to an enemy for [18 / 20 / 22 / 24] seconds, healing you and your allies for 600 Health every 1 second when damaging them.
Siphon Spirit: Duration: [24 / 26 / 28 / 30] seconds.
Focus your staff's power to apply Minor Lifesteal to an enemy for [24 / 26 / 28 / 30] seconds, healing you and your allies for 600 Health every 1 second when damaging them. Also applies Minor Magickasteal to the enemy for [24 / 26 / 28 / 30] seconds, causing you and your allies to restore 168 Magicka every 1 second when damaging them.
Quick Siphon: Duration: [24 / 26 / 28 / 30] seconds.
Focus your staff's power to apply Minor Lifesteal to an enemy for [24 / 26 / 28 / 30] seconds, healing you and your allies for 600 Health every 1 second when damaging them. When you or an ally hits the target, they gain Minor Expedition, which increases their Movement Speed by 15% for 4 seconds.

Force Siphon causes all attacks against the affected enemy to restore the Health to the attacker. Siphon Spirit also restores Magicka, while Quick Siphon increases the movement speed.


  • Casting this on a target is not treated as an attack and will not trigger a response from the target.
  • Siphon Spirit is a recommended morph for the Blood Magus, and Eldritch Mender builds.


Patch NotesEdit

  • Siphon Spirit: This ability no longer generates ultimate. This is a temporary fix until we can resolve an issue where the ability generates more ultimate than intended.
  • This ability no longer generates ultimate.
  • Increased the bonus effectiveness on the caster provided by this ability to 150% from 100%.
  • The heal and visual effects from this ability can no longer be dodged.
  • Fixed an issue where the heal from this ability could proc off siege damage.
  • This ability and its morphs no longer heal for a flat value of Health whenever you deal damage to the target. Instead, they apply Minor Lifesteal to a target.
  • Siphon Spirit: This morph no longer restores 1% of your Maximum Magicka when you deal damage to the target. Instead, it also applies Minor Magickasteal to the target.
  • This ability and its morphs no longer have a cast time or a cost since they are purely debuff skills, such as Weakness to Elements.
  • The duration of this ability now begins at 18 seconds which ranks up to 24 seconds, and both morphs will rank up to 30 seconds in total.
  • Fixed an issue where these abilities would aggro your target.
  • Quick Siphon: Since there is no cast time, this ability gains a new morph effect! Triggering the Minor Lifesteal debuff will also grant the activator Minor Expedition for 4 seconds.