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Location Reachwind Depths
Race Nord Gender Female
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Faction(s) Lothid Clan
Condition Vampire

Freyleth is a Nord vampire who is trying to overthrow Boss Trenlor, the cruel leader of the Lothid Clan, with Kathad's help. She has a history with Adusa-daro.

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With the help of Adusa-daro, you'll finally corner Kathad and Freyleth. Kathad will turn to her before noticing you and Adusa:

Kathad: "Stay behind me, beloved! Oh, Adusa? What are you doing here?"

If you speak to her before speaking to Kathad, she'll only say:

"Adusa-daro? Here? Interesting.
But you should talk to Kathad. I am much too weak to carry on a proper conversation."

Once you've spoken to Kathad and heard his proposal, Freyleth will be more talkative:

"I apologize for my horrid appearance. I assure you, if I wasn't half-starved because of that bastard, Trenlor, I'd make a much better impression.
Will you and Adusa help us save the Lothid clan?"
Tell me what you have planned.
"Among Boss Trenlor's many vices, he loves to be entertained. So every night they throw him a party. A celebration of blood using a captured mortal, a wild beast, or one of the clan he abandoned down here.
After we turn feral, of course."
I get it. Boss Trenlor is evil.
"Not just evil. Deranged. And cruel. He treats our clan as though we were his personal playthings. Toys to be used and abused for no other reason than he enjoys it.
But he's also powerful. No one has ever challenged him and survived."
So how do you plan to save the clan from this powerful, deranged vampire?
"If you go down into the Blinds and get me a darkcap mushroom, I can use it to weaken Trenlor. Then I can challenge him.
After you find it, there's a lift down there. It connects to an abandoned corner in the servant's quarters. We'll meet you there."
Tell me more about darkcap mushrooms and the Blinds.
"I'm not an alchemist, but I know a thing or two about these darling little mushrooms. When soaked in blood, they release a substance that impinges upon vampiric virility.
It's the perfect method for dealing with Boss Trenlor."
And I can find a darkcap mushroom in the Blinds?
"Absolutely. The caves beneath this level are littered with the things. There's a lift nearby that descends to the Blinds.
But be careful. Boss Trenlor chased the creatures that used to occupy these cells down there. They can be hostile when aroused."
Why did Boss Trenlor throw you down here?
"For the same reason he sends any of the clan here … I displeased him. When Kathad left, I tried to talk to Trenlor. Get him to change. That enraged him and ….
I hardly believed my eyes when Kathad came to rescue me from this horrid hole."
How do you know Adusa-daro?
"That's too long a tale to tell in my current state. Ask me again after I've fed.
Suffice it to say, Adusa and I ran together a long time ago. Before she traded her claws for the life of a noble. As you can tell, we can barely stand each other now."

Speaking to her again before you go search for the mushrooms:

"Remember, a darkcap mushroom. They grow below, in the shadows of the Blinds.
Then look for a lift deeper in. It will take you to an abandoned corner of the servant's quarters. Kathad and I will meet you there."

Find the Darkcap Mushrooms, you'll find Kathad and Freyleth in the Servant's Quarters. Freyleth will be rising up off of a dead servant.

Kathad: "She didn't have to die, Freyleth."
Freyleth: "We couldn't have her raise the alarm, Kathad. This only works if Trenlor suspects nothing."

Speak to her:

"Is that the darkcap mushroom? No, no. You hold onto it. Really, I insist.
Talk to Kathad. He'll tell you what we need you to do."
Why did you kill that vampire?
"Don't you give me attitude, my darling. I get enough of that from Kathad and Adusa.
If you must know, we couldn't allow her to raise the alarm. My plan hinges on Trenlor not suspecting a thing."
You said you'd tell me about you and Adusa after you fed.
"I did, didn't I? Very well.
I found Adusa right after her change. She was young and wild. We hunted. We killed. We drank our fill and then drank some more. But she had a streak of virtue I could never wipe out. I fear Kathad shares a similar trait."
What will the mushroom do to Boss Trenlor?
"Exactly what I told you. Once the darkcap mushroom touches the blood, it releases a substance that will weaken Trenlor. Make him easier to deal with. Then I can challenge him on a more equal footing.
It will work perfectly. You'll see."

Speak to Kathad and he'll tell you the plan and hand you a disguise:

"Quickly, my darling, put those clothes on.
The sooner you give Trenlor the darkcap mushroom, the sooner we can save the Lothid clan. Then Kathad can decide if he wants to go with Adusa. Or stay with me."

Don the outfit and she'll remark:

Freyleth: "You look perfect! Now sneak into Boss Trenlor's court and place the mushroom."
"This is going to work perfectly. I can taste it! You look just like any other servant. Trenlor will never suspect a thing.
Just drop the mushroom in his chalice and offer him a drink!"

In the audience hall, you'll poison the chalice and hand it to Trenlor. He takes a swig and doubles over.

Boss Trenlor: "Bah! Stupid slave! You gave me spoiled blood!"

Adusa, Freyleth, and Kathad enter the hall:

Freyleth: "It's not spoiled, you bastard. That's darkcap!"
Kathad: "Freyleth? You … poisoned …."

Trenlor slumps into his throne, dead.

Adusa-daro: "Murder, Freyleth? Where is your honor?"
Freyleth: "Boss Trenlor got exactly what he deserved. And now I want to talk to our friend here."
Adusa-daro: "Let's go, Kathad. Freyleth has chosen her path. It's time you took another."

Speak to Freyleth:

"Did you see the expression on that bastard's face? We made him pay for all the pain and suffering he caused.
As for you, I thank you. I could use someone like you when I take Trenlor's place as leader of the clan."
I thought the darkcap mushroom was only supposed to weaken Boss Trenlor.
"And it did its job splendidly! He certainly looks infinitely weaker to me.
I'm sorry I deceived you, but look around. Do you see one face that mourns Trenlor? No. They will cheer your name for saving the Lothid clan. Your name … and mine."
Why did you trick me into murdering Boss Trenlor?
"Trenlor was a monster. This was the only safe way to put an end to his reign of terror. Now someone truly worthy can take command of the Lothid clan.
Someone exactly like me."
What about Kathad? Will you try to stop him from joining the Ravenwatch?
"Oh, darling, no. Kathad has too much damn virtue in his blood for my taste. Gets it from Adusa, no doubt. Lothid is my clan. It always has been. I will lead it with vision and purpose. Make it truly great again.
Now, if you will excuse me …."

She'll then turn to the gathered crowd:

Freyleth: "We are free, my brothers and sisters! Let us drink to the Lothid clan and its new leader—me!"
Freyleth: "Oh, don't worry. I didn't poison all of the chalices!"
Kathad: "I wanted to save the clan, but not like this."
Freyleth: "Leaving me, Kathad? Fine. Go join your precious cat and pretend not to be the monster you are."

If you speak to her again, you'll suddenly feel less welcome:

"Oh, darling, we had fun, but now you really must leave.
I have a clan to rebuild, after all."
What will happen to the Lothid clan now?
"Exactly what you'd expect. The clan will accept me as their leader. We'll regroup. Decide what we want to do next. And then we'll do it.
Oh, we won't be as blunt and chaotic as Trenlor. We won't attract undue attention. I am nothing if not subtle."
And what about Kathad and Adusa?
"Kathad will join the Ravenwatch, I suppose. He has an annoying streak of morality that matches their temperament.
As for Adusa, I plan to keep the Lothid clan out of her line of vision. I'd rather not find ourselves in conflict any time soon."