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There are a total of 28 obtainable disguises. They are used during quests to blend in around certain groups of enemies and all of them have a Level requirement of 1. These should not be confused with costumes, which do not use an equipment slot. They are purely cosmetic and wearing them will not affect your current gear's stats. Some of them have randomized facial hair, adornments, or equipment every time you enter a new zone, and some disguises are only obtainable during a quest, which means you can never get them again once you've completed it. Costumes used to take up the same equipment slot as disguises, but have since been moved to the Collections tab.

While in disguise, you will not be attacked by certain enemies who would normally be hostile. You will see a stealth icon in the center of the screen, just like you see while sneaking. Sneaking is not actually possible wearing a disguise - attempting to do so will bring up a warning: "Sneaking would arouse suspicion".

There will often be more alert enemies who can see through your disguise and alert their compatriots. You can identify them by the red glow around them, while other enemies will have a yellow glow. If they are humanoid, they will also generally be carrying a torch. Non-humanoid enemies such as dogs or wolves are almost always immune to disguises. If you get near them, you will see a glowing red eye above their head indicating that they are suspicious. Running away and getting out of their line of sight will usually keep them from pursuing.

The disguise will be removed from your inventory upon taking damage from any of the hostile or non-hostile enemies associated with the disguise (you can usually find another the same way you found the first.) It is still possible to keep the disguise equipped if you kill or escape the enemy without taking any hits. Quest-specific disguises are generally removed from your inventory when you complete the part of the quest requiring them, but if you remove the disguise manually, you may keep it to use at any time. Note that most disguises will not function outside of the quest for which they are intended, even if you encounter other enemies of the same faction elsewhere. However, disguises can continue to be used in a similar way to Costumes in order to alter your appearance once their quest is finished. Note that, if you are wearing a disguise for its appearance and re-enter its associated quest area, you may lose it if you enter combat, and be unable to reacquire it.

All disguises are bound to your account and cannot be traded to other players. It is not possible to have multiple copies of the same disguise, even in your bank.

Aldmeri Dominion DisguisesEdit

Colovian UniformEdit

Colovian Uniform

Courier UniformEdit

Courier Uniform

Hollow Moon GarbEdit

Hollow Moon Garb

Kollopi EssenceEdit

Kollopi Essence

Note: The Kollopi Essence disguise cannot be used in PvP zones.

Phaer Mercenary ArmorEdit

Phaer Mercenary Disguise

Quendeluun Veiled Heritance GarbEdit

Quendeluun Veiled Heritance Disguise

Sea Viper ArmorEdit

Sea Viper Armor

Steel Shrike UniformEdit

Steel Shrike Uniform

Vulkhel Guard Marine ArmorEdit

Vulkhel Guard Marine Disguise

Daggerfall Covenant DisguisesEdit

Bloodthorn RobesEdit

Bloodthorn Disguise

Crown DishdashaEdit

Crown Dishdasha

Forebear DishdashaEdit

Forebear Dishdasha

Seventh Legion ArmorEdit

Hallin's Stand Seventh Legion Disguise

Satakalaaam Imperial ArmorEdit

Imperial Disguise

Midnight Union GarbEdit

Midnight Union Disguise
Old Midnight Union Disguise

Blackheart Pirate ArmorEdit

Pirate Disguise

Red Rook ArmorEdit

Red Rook Disguise

Sea Drake GarbEdit

Seadrake Disguise

Servant's RobesEdit

Servant's Robes

Ebonheart Pact DisguisesEdit

Dunmer Cultural GarbEdit

Dunmer Cultural Garb

Fort Amol Guard ArmorEdit

Fort Amol Guard Disguise

Frostedge Bandit ArmorEdit

Frostedge Bandit Disguise

Keeper's GarbEdit

Keeper's Garb

Northwind DisguiseEdit

Northwind Disguise

Shadowsilk GemEdit

Shadowsilk Gem

Stormfist UniformEdit

Stormfist Disguise

Vanguard UniformEdit

Vanguard Uniform

DLC DisguisesEdit

Servant's OutfitEdit

Servant's Outfit

Sapphire Society DisguiseEdit

Sapphire Society Disguise

Special DisguisesEdit

Monk's DisguiseEdit

Monk's Disguise

Monk's Disguise can only be obtained from Remains-Silent, who will appear once the Shadowy Supplier passive skill is unlocked.

This disguise is a consumable, single-use item. It allows you to temporarily conceal your Bounty status from Guards. This means you can walk freely among guards and even interact with items with no risk of being arrested. This can be particularity useful for characters who are fugitives, as it allows them to interact with merchants. Normally, merchants will not speak or interact with fugitives. The disguise disappears after 5 minutes, if you are witnessed committing a crime, if the disguise is unequipped, or if you die.

See AlsoEdit