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Online:General Lavinia

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
General Lavinia
Home City Arenthia
Location The Pious Arenthi-Inn
Race Imperial Gender Female
Health 127,470 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile Class Battlemage
Other Information
Faction(s) Legion of the West Weald
General Lavinia

General Lavinia is the Imperial in charge of the Legion of the West Weald, the Colovian force that took Arenthia.

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When you hear her propaganda projection when Arenthia is occupied by the Colovians:

General Lavinia: "People of Arenthia, do not fear us. Comply with the instructions of my officers and you will be treated fairly. We have no wish to harm you and look forward to the day where we all equals. But do not doubt our resolve, we are committed and we are not going anywhere."

Enter the inn and you'll hear:

General Lavinia: "The base is almost ready."
General Lavinia: "Only the ritual remains."
Mane Akkhuz-ri: "Excellent. Javad will be pleased."

<The Mane then vanishes in a puff of smoke.>

Lavinia will attack as soon as she spots you.

General Lavinia: "You're too late. The dark anchor shall be created!"