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This article is about the Nord in Eyevea. For the Nord in Ivarstead, see Gjarmal Gray-Sky.

HomeĀ Settlement Eyevea
Race Nord Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Mages Guild

Gjarmal is a Nord member of the Mages Guild found on the island of Eyevea. You'll find her at the bridge, leading from the Guild Hall district to the Wayshrine along with a group of two other Nord mages, Knutrida and Alfarmuth, and a tame bear, Smarbjorn. She will appear after the island is retaken.


She waves off the stereotypes about Nords being ill-fit for wizardry.

"I've heard the whispers, seen the looks. Some think us Nords are a poor fit for magic. I say, clearly someone has to keep the rest of these fools in line. Hah!"