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Online:Goblin Hunter

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
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Goblin Hunter
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Goblin Hunters
Goblin Hunter

Goblin Hunter is a Breton hunter who can be found alongside Jerntann during the related quest.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

After freeing Bella Vestum from the trap he will appear on the cliff together with Jerntann.

Jerntann: "Finding the knife we planted won't change anything, Pim."
Bella Vestum: "You stole the knife? Why?"
Jerntann: "Ask your precious researcher. Her work's very enlightening."
Pim: "My work? Oh, adventurer. I think I know what he's doing."

He will head away together with Jerntann after this exchange.

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