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Location Eldbur Ruins, Karnwasten
Race Orc Gender Male
Health 39,959
15,000 (Unconscious in Eldbur Ruins/Once everyone is reunited/In Alinor at the end of "The Abyssal Cabal")
Reaction Friendly
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Follower The Abyssal Cabal

Grog is an Orc who can be found within Eldbur Ruins. He is later sent to Karnwasten with Cainar by the Aldmeri Dominion to investigate a possible Abyssal Cabal presence there.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

Whispers from the DeepEdit

After pouring a bucket of liquid over Grog:

Grog: "Hey!"
Oriandra: "That wasn't just water …."
Cainar: "No matter. It worked, didn't it?"
Grog: "And they wonder why I drink so much."
Oriandra: "Focus, Grog. Make your way back to Cainar and me."
Grog: "Yeah, yeah. I'll be right there."
Cainar: "I've got Grog. You go find Miriya."

Cainar then teleports Grog to him, who will still be unconscious next to Cainar and Oriandra.

Returning to find Oriandra unconscious after rescuing Miriya.

Grog: "What's wrong with her?"
Miriya: "I think she's caught in a mind trap!"
Cainar: "I guess I'll need to cast another spell after all."
Cainar: "There! I've reestablished the mind link. Now go save Oriandra!"

After completing the quest, Grog and the other adventurers will make some final comments:

Miriya: "A thousand gratitudes for aiding us."
Grog: "What about the mind traps? There might be more still out there."
Cainar: "Sounds like a task we could dig our teeth into, my friends!"
Miriya: "Indeed! I prefer to be the hunter instead of the prey!"

Outside the ruin after completing the quest, you'll find him reading a book:

"The quality of ale and wine available in this palace is absolutely amazing! I may move in!
Seriously, it was my pleasure to work with you. Maybe we can do it again some day. After I sober up a bit."

The Abyssal CabalEdit

As you approach him, he'll call out:

Grog: "Hello? Is someone there?"

Speaking to him, he'll say:

"Are you one of those double-dealing smugglers? I'm going to take a chance and assume you're not, because I really need you to get me out of these chains. You know, before the big slug notices me."

If you have completed Whispers from the Deep, he'll say instead:

"Hey … don't I know you from somewhere? Oh yeah, the bucket! I still haven't gotten the stink out of my favorite tunic.
You can make it up to me. Get me out of these chains before the big slug notices I'm here."

Either way...

How do you propose I unlock the chains?
"How do I …? What the tusk do I look like? A blacksmith? Sorry, sorry. Let me consider.
Well, the smuggler with the key went to chat with the Sload. Said something disagreeable and I heard him scream. Body's not far. Or if you can pick a lock …?"
Tell me about the Sea Sload.
"Sure. I'll tell you everything I know. Right after you get me out of these chains!
Look, I'm tired, I'm thirsty, and I'm in no rush to have that slimy slug get its webbed fingers on me, so go get that key!"

After unlocking him, he'll continue:

"Thanks for getting me out of those chains. My wrists were starting to chafe.
So, what's the plan? How do we get out of this Oblivion pit?"
I think you should tell me about the Sea Sload first.
"Look, I'm grateful and all that, and I really admire your tenacity, but we're not safe here. I'll tell you and Cainar everything I learned—right after we get out of this place!"
[Persuade] Summerset's in danger and time is of the essence. Tell me what you learned.
"Fine. But then we really need to get out of here.
The Sea Sload's name is K'Garza. Some sort of necromancer, based on all the undead I ran into. But that's not all. I heard it talking to someone. A High Elf, I think. Said some interesting things."
What did the Sload and the High Elf talk about?
"Something about a cabal of some sort. Multiple Sea Sloads working together. They discussed another one of the big slugs operating to the south. Said they had a way to sink the island!
Could we get out of here, now, please?"
There must be something you can tell me before we go.
"You just go on and on, don't you?
All right. How about this? The smuggler's captain keeps a journal. I heard her say she had detailed notes about her dealings with the Sea Sload. It probably contains everything the Battlereeve wants to know."
Where can I find this journal?
"The smugglers have a shanty set up on the ridge overlooking the bay. I'm pretty sure the captain keeps her stuff in there.
If you're going after the journal, well, good luck with that. I'm getting out of here!"

Speaking to him once you meet back up with Cainar:

"Thanks for making sure I got back to Cainar. We'll tell the Battlereeve what we know, but you've got to find Miriya."
I'll lead you out of Karnwasten.
"Then we need to get moving. I won't spend another second in this place!"

Meeting up with him in Alinor, before speaking to Battlereeve Tanerline:

"I know there's important work to do, but I perform better when my stomach's full of Orsinium ale."

If you didn't persuade him?, he'll say instead:

"Sorry I was such an arse down in Karnwasten, but getting offered to a Sea Sload makes me kind of crazy.
Thanks for rescuing me, though."


Sinking SummersetEdit

Speaking with him after accepting the quest from the Battlereeve:

"Uh, hey. About Karnwasten. Thanks for your help back there."

A New AllianceEdit

If you helped him before, you can find Grog in the Alinor Royal Palace at the end of A New Alliance where he'll say:

"The quality of ale and wine available in this palace is absolutely amazing! I may move in!
Seriously, it was my pleasure to work with you. Maybe we can do it again some day. After I sober up a bit."


  • Grog and the rest of the group's dialogue after completing Whispers from the Deep, about wanting to start investigating and taking their revenge on the Sea Sload, which is hinting at the quest The Abyssal Cabal, still plays even if you complete The Abyssal Cabal first.


  • While speaking to him after completing Whispers in the Deep, as he reads a book by the fire at the camp outside the ruins, he comments on the quality of the drinks in the palace in Alinor, despite being nowhere near it at the time. This is because this is repeating his dialogue that he uses when talking to him at the palace during A New Alliance, where it actually makes sense. ?