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Home Settlement Wretched Spire
Location Annihilarch's Summit
Race Dremora Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Bladebearer Clan

Gykkah is a Dremora member of the nomadic Bladebearer Clan. She is found at the Bladebearer tent at Wretched Spire once The Durance Vile is started. She is an associate of Rynkyus assisting you up Annihilarch's Summit.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

The Durance VileEdit

She will be at the camp but she won't have anything to say. Rynkyus instructs her to guard the camp.

After you returned back from the Blood Pit, you'll find her on guard. You can speak to her:

"You have not come here to speak to me. Nor have I come here to converser with a mortal. Away with you."

Born of GriefEdit

Before you start the quest, she will comment on Arox:

"There appears to be a daedrat in your company. Filthy creatures! Why do you consort with such things?"

When you start the quest and haven't speak to Lyranth yet:

"Does it want a treat? Rynkyus says mortals covet such things."

After Arox hops into your pack:

"I have no interest in speaking with you, mortal. What would be the point? You likely will not survive the journey to Anniihilarch's Summit."

If you speak to her before speaking to Rynkyus:

"Speak to the kynreeve, mortal."
How did you wind up in the Bladebearer clan?
"I cannot discern the point of this question.
I am a Bladebearer. My Kyn are of the Bladebearer clan. I presently serve Kynreeve Rynkyus. That is how it has always been. You ask such stupid questions."
Did I offend you?
"If you offended me, I would challenge you. Wasting time on meaningless queries merely tries one's patience. I wouldn't waste a sword swing on such trivialities.
The kynreeve is waiting for you. Show some respect and move on."

At the peak, Gykkah will appear with the rest of your party:

"I do not command here. Why does the mortal continue to pester me?"

After speaking to Lyranth:

"Your path lies through the portal. Find our Kyn or do not return."

When you return back to Wretched Spire after defeating the Storm Incarnate:

"Our Kyn are delivered from captivity. Now we must gather strength for our furious riposte. Those who dared to mistreat Bladebearers will soon learn the cost of their arrogance."

After speaking to Lyranth, Rynkyus will issue orders to his Bladebearers:

Rynkyus: "Bladebearers! Scour the Deadlands for signs of the Waking Flame. Wherever Sister Celdina hides, we will find her!"

A portal opens and the team departs.

Against All HopeEdit

Return to Fargrave after defeating Nokvroz and seemingly all of Fargrave has turned out to celebrate your victory:

"I did not expect a mortal could achieve such success, but then perhaps there is more to you than meets the eye.
You have brought great honor to the Bladebearer clan. And you have earned my respect."