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Online:Gyrard Leraud

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Gyrard Leraud
Home Settlement Wind Keep
Race Breton Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Merchant
Gyrard Leraud

Gyrard Leraud is a Breton merchant who can be found in Wind Keep. He and Sir Brice loiter outside Brussec Troivois' Home.


He will occasionally have a conversation with Sir Brice about taxes.

Gyrard Leraud: "Some of the taxes from the citizens could go to help local merchants expand."

Sir Brice will randomly say:

Sir Brice: "That's something we'd have to discuss."
Sir Brice: "That's worth considering."
Sir Brice: "I think you're getting ahead of yourself."
Sir Brice: "You certainly have a lot of ideas."
Gyrard Leraud: "When you think about it, we merchants shouldn't have to pay taxes at all. We're bringing business into the village!"