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Online:Highland Marauder

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Highland Marauder
Home City Arenthia
Home Settlement Vinedusk Village
Location Senalana
Race Imperial Gender Varies
Health 31,364
Reaction Hostile Class Brute
Other Information
Faction(s) Legion of the West Weald
Highland Marauder

Highland Marauders are Imperial brutes and members of the Legion of the West Weald.

Highland Marauder
Home City Arenthia
Race Imperial Gender Varies
Health 31,364
Reaction Varies Class Ravager
Other Information
Faction(s) Legion of the West Weald
A Highland Marauder

Highland Marauders are Imperial ravagers and members of the Legion of the West Weald that are occupying the city of Arenthia. They behave exactly the same as other ravager class enemies and use the same attacks despite wielding one-handed swords.

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While disguised as Centurion Gavo, they will fall for your disguise:

Highland Marauder : "Good day, Centurion."
Highland Marauder : "Centurion Gavo."


  • Highland Marauders in Vinedusk Village don't give experience or loot when killed.