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Location Cave of Broken Sails
Race Redguard Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Hironi is a Redguard crewmember of The Albatross found inside the Cave of Broken Sails. She was Brauti Bloodshark's lover before the mutiny.

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Who are you? What, you want to chat? Thought this day couldn't get any stranger.
Bulag said you were close with Brauti Bloodshark.
He picks a time like this to gossip? Yeah, I took a serpent to my breast. Should I be surprised that it bit?
Don't see why it concerns you.
I'm here to stop Brauti Bloodshark.
Then hurry. There's a code on the back of the treasure map, and he's forcing the captain's wife to break it. Seems the undead in here can't truly die, so if he breaks the code they're his to command.
When you kill him? Don't you dare make it gentle.