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Location Alik'r Desert
Race Redguard Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Merchant

Ila is a Redguard traveling merchant who can be found with her horse at any number of locations in the Alik'r Desert. If you have the Intimidating Presence passive from the Fighters Guild, you have the option to rob her instead, which will help towards the Crime Pays achievement.


If you have never mugged her:

"I shouldn't have bought so much stock. Care to trade? I could use a lighter pack, and I'll give you a fair price!"
[Intimidate] I don't want your stock. Just your gold. Hand it over, now.
"Of all the … all right! I know how this works. Take it and be on your way!"

If you have mugged her before, she greets you differently:

"Mercenaries next time. Strong ones. That's what I'll bring."


There is one achievement associated with this NPC:

Achievement Points Description
    Crime Pays 15 Extort gold from merchants across Tamriel.