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Online:Indrik Fawn

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures
Indrik Fawn
Location Del's Claim, Xul-Thuxis, Direnni Acropolis, Wing of the Indrik
Species Indrik
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Indrik Fawn

Indrik Fawn is an adolescent Indrik which was bestowed power by the Indrik Luminary. It can be found in many places as a projection, including Del's Claim, Xul-Thuxis, and Direnni Acropolis. It is ceaselessly pursued by the Hunter Presence.

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You are tasked with pursuing Indrik Fawn—first in the Del's Claim, then through the portal in Xul-Thuxis, and finally at the Direnni Acropolis. After dispelling the ward, the Indrik Fawn will follow you and the Indrik to its wing of the Scholarium.