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Discoverable Yes
Completion None
Dungeon Yes (see Bugs)
# of Zones 1
Owned No
Restricted No
Exalted Blade-Bearer, Exalted Cleric, Exalted Crusader, Exalted Knight, Exalted Soldier, Minotaur
Gold Coast
Northwest of Anvil
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The ruins of Knightsgrave are rumored to date back to the founding of the Order of the Hour, and heroes of the Order are said to still haunt its shadowy depths.

Knightsgrave is an Imperial ruin far northwest of Anvil, near the mouth of the Brena River.

The ruins were founded by the original Order of the Hour, but were eventually abandoned over time, and continue to be even after the order's recent resurgence. It was built over an even older temple of Akatosh, which lies buried deep underground.

Minotaurs have since flocked to the ruins, acting as guardians of sorts, alongside roaming undead warriors of the order.

There is a book near the entrance to the ruins discussing the historical background of Knightsgrave.

Related QuestsEdit


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Chamber of the FoundersEdit

Path of the OrderEdit

Overlook of TimeEdit

Chamber of Enduring FlameEdit

Order ArmoryEdit

Chamber of ShadowEdit

The Path of LightEdit

The Paragon's CrownEdit

Ancient Dragon God TempleEdit


  • Despite being classed as a Dungeon, this location does not provide progress towards Dungeons Achievements. ?
  • Stepping in the very shallow pool of water in the puzzle room makes you enter the swimming state, which results in you clipping through the floor. ?


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