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Online:Kra'gh Style

< Elder Scrolls Online: Styles
Kra'gh Style
Material None
Outfit System
Armor Styles 1 Weapon Styles 1
Small Armor 000015001500 Gold 1-Handed 1500
Large Armor 000030003000 Gold 2-Handed 3000
Nessa Inkskin of Elden Root warns, "Enter Fungal Grotto with care, friends. Pay special mind to the dreugh king named Kra'gh, who uses mudcrabs to help tear foes apart." Alter your weapon's appearance to match the Undaunted Kra'gh awards by using this set of Outfit styles. —Crown Store Arms Pack description

Kra'gh is an Undaunted outfit style inspired by Kra'gh the Dreugh King, a giant Dreugh boss in Fungal Grotto I. As with all Undaunted styles, it's comprised of a head and shoulder piece alongside a selection of weapon pieces. This style was available from December 21, 2020 to January 27, 2021.

Style PagesEdit


The Kra'gh Arms Pack was available in the Crown Store from:

  • December 21, 2020 - January 27, 2021
  • September 11, 2023 - September 14, 2023 (discounted for members)


The following sets are in the Kra'gh Style:



Weapons and ShieldsEdit

The weapons and shield for this style have a constant warped effect, as if shrouded by a briny mist or submerged underwater.

Weapons and Shields
Dagger Bow Maul Staff Shield
