Kwama are insectoid creatures that have three forms: the scrib, the worker, and the warrior. There are also queens, who are the focal point of all kwama colonies. Kwama are native to Morrowind, where their eggs are an important food source for the Dark Elves. Their burrows, also known as egg mines when claimed and harvested by the Elves, are dug and expanded by the workers as the colony grows. Kwama warriors, the largest of the species, protect the workers and scrib (their larval form) from intruders. For more information, see the lore article.
Some scribs are small and non-hostile, while others are full-sized enemies.
See AlsoEdit
- Care of Kwama by Cirantille — A description of Kwama caring methods
- Kwama Mining for Fun and Profit by Dorayn Redas, House Hlaalu — An instructional guide to Kwama mining
- The Art of Kwama Egg Cooking by Belami Llevarso — An Introduction
- How the Kwama Lost His Shoes — A children's poem about a clumsy Kwama