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Online:Lakewatch Tower (book)

< Elder Scrolls Online: Items: Books
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Book Information
Lakewatch Tower
ID 2528
See Also Lore version
Collection Tales of Tamriel
Found in the following locations:
Lakewatch Tower
The tale of Garach Wolf-Father

Long ago, Garach dreamt of a moonbeam, silver and pale blue. It took the form of a lady, who came to lie beside him.

As the dawn's light entered his room, she became a wolf, and fled.

Months later, he dreamt she returned to him, first as a she-wolf carrying pups. She placed them carefully beside him, and took the form of the lady.

"They are yours," she said tenderly, "to care for and love."

Afraid, he slew them. She then cursed him to never know love or kindness, only fear and hatred.

And when he awoke, surrounded by the limp bodies of his wolf-children, he wept for what might have been.