Leja at-Lehiel | |||
Home City | Kozanset | ||
Race | Redguard | Gender | Female |
Reaction | Friendly |
Leja at-Lehiel is a Redguard trying to rid the city of Kozanset of harpies—in a peaceful way. She works as a traveling merchant but came home once she heard of the city's problem and is also the daughter of Magistrate Andrin at-Lehiel.
Related QuestsEdit
- Feathered Fiends: Resolve the situation between the harpies and the mercenaries in Kozanset.
Quest-Related EventsEdit
After your offer of helping with the harpy problem is rebuffed by the magistrate, Leja will arrive with news but is quickly brushed off by her father.
- Leja at-Lehiel: "Father! You need to know what's going on out there!"
- <She notices you and bows her head towards you.>
- Leja at-Lehiel: "Who is this? Someone come to help?"
- Magistrate Andrin at-Lehiel: "Enough! I have no patience for your theories!"
- <Leja then turns around and stands next to the door but not before talking to you.>
- Leja at-Lehiel: "Fine. If you want the truth, come talk to me."
If you speak with her at the door, she will give you directions to meet her later.
- "Meet me at my house. It's at the edge of town, past the smithy.
I'll tell you everything I know. See you soon, I hope."
Once you enter her home, she will be seated on a couch and call you over.
- Leja at-Lehiel: "It's not safe to talk in the streets. Now, I can speak openly."
She will then ask you about your sincerity in wanting to help before going further.
- "Be at ease. The mercenaries dare not enter my home uninvited.
I watched you long before you spoke to my father, Magistrate Andrin at-Lehiel. You spoke to people in town, and listened to their answers. Are you actually interested in helping?" - Who are you?
- "I'm the magistrate's daughter, raised here, though now I am a traveling merchant.
I came back when I heard of the town's troubles. My father insisted he had it under control. Now I'm doubly sure I returned at the right time."
- "I'm the magistrate's daughter, raised here, though now I am a traveling merchant.
- What's going on in this town? / What's been happening in Kozanset?
- "The Gold Coast mercenaries, our supposed saviors from the harpies, are our problem. They extort and steal from the good people here.
And what's more, they've done nothing but make our harpy issues worse." - How've the mercenaries made things worse?
- "Since Daneem and her friends arrived, the harpies are angry with the town. They're usually nothing more than flying rats.
The harpies can attack, yes, but only when provoked. And I know the mercenaries are the ones who've provoked them." - How can you stop the harpies?
- "The mercenaries hid harpy eggs around Kozanset. Naturally, the harpies want the eggs back. That's the root of the town's harpy trouble. We must find and return their eggs so one problem's solved.
But first, follow me upstairs."
- "The Gold Coast mercenaries, our supposed saviors from the harpies, are our problem. They extort and steal from the good people here.
Before you go up to the balcony, you can talk to her:
- "Go and see for yourself. Keep your weapon sheathed, if you please. And make no sudden moves."
When you head up to the balcony, she can be heard talking gently to someone in a coaxing manner.
- Leja at-Lehiel: "Don't be frightened. This is a friend."
- <A small harpy is perched on a pot and Leja walks up beside the harpy and spreads her arms wide.>
- Leja at-Lehiel: The harpies are not our enemies. Will you help me convince the others?"
You can then talk to Leja who will explain the harpy's story and her plan.
- "I rescued her from them. The mercenaries killed her mother, and the other chicks in her brood. This creature had done no wrong, yet they would kill her to be paid for her feathers!
I couldn't stand by and let that happen. Could you?" - Is that why you want to rescue the eggs?
- "It's the right thing to do. For us and them.
I'll be waiting in the town square for you, if you're willing. What do you say?" - All right. I'll help you.
- "Thank you. I can't do this on my own, and my father won't listen to me until I have proof.
I don't think the eggs will be proof enough, but at least they will be safe."
You can then ask Leja some questions.
- How long have you been hiding a harpy on your balcony?
- "She comes and goes as she pleases. This is a wild creature, after all. I do not even name her, for she isn't mine."
- But won't she attack the town? / And that'll stop the harpies' attacks?
- "Once their eggs are back in their aeries, the harpies won't attack Kozanset.
And then we can deal with those mercenaries."
- "Once their eggs are back in their aeries, the harpies won't attack Kozanset.
- You said something about harpy eggs earlier? / What will I do with the eggs?
- "Bring me the eggs. I'll wait for you by the town's well. Even though it's in the open, many people exchange goods there, so it won't look suspicious."
- I'll locate those stolen harpy eggs and bring them back. (Appears if you asked a question)
- <Exit conversation.>
Speaking to her again:
- "The desert has enough trouble in it without anyone to stir things up."
After collecting the eggs hidden around town, Leja will be waiting for you near the town well.
- "You're quite light on your feet. Let me see the eggs."
- Here you go.
- "Thank you for doing this. I'm sure not all of the eggs survived, but the least we can do is return them to the harpies.
I don't have proof, but I know it was the mercenaries that did this. Who else could be so cruel?" - Do you know where …?
- "Hold a moment. Someone's coming.'
Daneem will arrive to give her a veiled warning.
- Daneem: "Go back to selling trinkets, Leja. You do your job, and we'll do ours."
- Leja at-Lehiel: "You hid those eggs on purpose, didn't you?"
- Daneem: "Say no more, child. We haven't time for troublemakers."
- <Daneem then leaves.>
- Leja at-Lehiel: "They're up to something. They must be."
You can then speak to Leja about the next step.
- "We have to find out what they're doing."
- Where should we start looking?
- "The mercenaries go in and out of the warehouse next to my home. There's got to be a reason.
Why don't you go there and find out what they're doing?" - What am I looking for?
- "One of them will let slip what their game is. Hide somewhere and listen to their chatter.
I'll take these eggs back to my house for now. We can go to the aerie later to put them back."
After you have eavesdropped on Daneem's meeting with Foreman Malumah and Udamaji, where she extorts them for money you can return to Leja's home to tell her what you overheard. However, when you arrive Magistrate Andrin at-Lehiel will be waiting for you and he is furious. Leja is missing, along with several other residents, they were apparently caught by harpies and taken to their nesting grounds.
The harpy aeries are in the hills outside town, eventually you will find an injured Leja with the young harpy perching protectively beside her.
- "You're alive! I thought they might have taken you too …."
- Are you hurt?
- "Some. The mercenaries decided I was worth more dead than alive. They threw me out with a few others, beaten and bound. That's when the jackals came.
Thanks to the harpies, I didn't end up like the others." - The harpies helped you?
- "Well, this one did, and she brought some of her friends. They chased away the jackals and brought me to shelter.
We must stop the mercenaries before any more innocents die, whether harpies or villagers." - Then let's go back to Kozanset and confront them.
- "We don't need any more bloodshed. If there's a way we can end this without fighting, we must.
I have an idea. Find my father. Ask that harpy out there to get you to town. I'll be behind you."
Speaking to her before you let the harpy help you:
- "That harpy out there will give you a lift down to Kozanset. She's the one who carried me to this nest."
After accepting the harpy's help, you will arrive in town near Daneem and the Magistrate, where you can tell him about Leja and the mercenaries involvement. Leja will soon arrive and publicly accuse Daneem.
- Daneem: "What nerve, running your mouth right in front of me!"
- <Leka appears on the steps above.>
- Leja at-Lehiel: "You've disgraced our town long enough!"
- <Leja then throws a rotten harpy egg at Daneem.>
- Daneem: "Ugh! A rotten egg? Don't think this is over, child!"
- <Daneem leaves.>
- Leja at-Lehiel: "Gather everyone who will stand with us to drive these bad eggs out of town!"
- <Leja then turns to her father.>
- Leja at-Lehiel: "Father. The dead can't offer their forgiveness, but I can. Stand with us."
If you talk to Leja afterwards, before gathering the villagers.
- "The desert has enough trouble in it without anyone to stir things up."
Once you have rallied the citizens, you can talk to Leja who is standing outside the guardhouse as she has noticed something.
- "The harpies are congregated around this building. Looks like the mercenaries took something every bit as valuable as the harpies' eggs."
- What do you think it is?
- "I've no idea, but we need to restore goodwill with our flying neighbors. Even my father is in there to negotiate the mercenaries' departure.
They should be out soon. The villagers, I mean. They want to cast Daneem from the town themselves." - And once she's gone?
- "She's a coward and a bully. Once her nature's revealed, my father won't let her back into Kozanset.
We'll need to return whatever she took to the harpies on the balcony. Head inside and find it. I'll try to convince them we're all friends."
At this, a group of angry Kozenset citzens will drag Daneem out of the guardhouse and throw her before Leja.
- Daneem: "Take your hands off me!"
- Daneem: "Your pitiful town won't survive without our protection."
- Leja at-Lehiel: "We can do without you. Go, and never return."
- Villager: "And we'll run out anyone else who tries to bully us too!"
- Daneem: "May the sands take your accursed town!"
- Villager: "If we see you again, we'll throw you to the harpies!"
Before you go into the building:
- "Go on in. I'll climb up the building from the outside; the harpies won't hurt me. Meet me on the balcony with whatever you find."
You can then enter the building with the Magistrate and Leja, while you investigate the guardhouse. Soon you will find the corpse of the Harpy Matriarch, the reason for the harpies' agitation. After you bring the body to the balcony Leja will sadly comment:
- Leja at-Lehiel: "I don't know if the harpies will ever be able to trust us."
- Leja at-Lehiel: "Maybe this is the first step. What do you think?"
You can then speak with her.
- "Who knows how long those fiends kept the harpies agitated, just to take advantage of this town?
If I hadn't returned when I did, and gotten your help, they'd continue to terrorize my people and these harpies." - What shall I do with the matriarch's body?
- "Give her to me. I still need to return their eggs, so I'll take her as well.
Looks like I'll be around for a while. Though we disagree on many things, my father will need help regaining the town's trust. And, I miss this place. Harpies and all."
You will then receive some gold and the Harpy Feather Shirt.
Speaking with her afterwards:
- "Being a trader taught me how to get along with people, no matter what their form.
I'll make a good magistrate myself someday, don't you think?"