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Home Settlement Shimmerene
Race Redguard Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Lialanah is a Redguard who briefly appears in Shimmerene to comment on the appearance of a Golden Knight. You'll find her standing on the terrace near Olunandon, between Kinlady Avinisse's Mansion and the Monastery.

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As you approach the area, you'll hear the following:

Golden Knight: "You there! I have a—damn it! Why won't this work?"
Lialanah: "Did you see a golden knight?"
Olunandon: "I have no idea what that was, and I'm not sure I want to know!"

After this, she walks into Kinlady Avinisse's Mansion and disappears from the game.


  • She doesn't have a nameplate. Her name can only be seen from the subtitles.