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Online:Loading Screens/Auridon

< Elder Scrolls Online: Loading Screens

This page contains loading screens from Auridon.

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  • The Banished Cells - The High Elves live long lives and have a talent for magic. Sometimes an Altmer's pursuit of magical power leads to tampering with forbidden knowledge and illicit dealings with evil Daedra. It was to confine such trespassers that the Banished Cells were created.
  • Auridon - The second largest of the Summerset Isles, Auridon has always served the High Elves as a buffer between their serene archipelago and the turmoil of Tamriel. The Altmer of Auridon have been hardened by generations of repelling invaders, pirates, and plagues.
  • Tower of the Vale - This tower, nestled in the heart of the Glister Vale, was constructed as the summer home for Kinlady Tuinden's immediate family. Since the death of King Hidellith of Alinor it has fallen into disuse and disrepair. Still, strange noises can sometimes be heard echoing off the vale walls.
  • Phaer Catacombs - Despite its name, Phaer Catacombs is not the village cemetery, as the High Elves cremate their dead. These caves are a worked-out porphyry mine, now converted to a burial site for those foreign workers the Altmer bring in to do their menial labor.
  • The Veiled Keep - The Errinorne Academy was destroyed when the Sload sacked Skywatch in 1E 1301 and never rebuilt, as its island location was thereafter deemed indefensible. But now the ruined halls of the academy's great library have been reoccupied.
  • The Vault of Exile - Castle Rilis is one of the oldest Elven structures in all the Summerset Isles. The vaults beneath the castle are even older still—and are said to preserve some things that would have been better left forgotten.
  • Saltspray Cave - On the one hand, the High Elves are second to none in their appreciation of the wonders of nature. On the other hand, their impulse to improve things to make them more artistically perfect is nigh irresistible. This urge even applies to natural caverns.
  • Ezduiin Undercroft - There are obvious similarities between Altmer architecture and that of their cousins the Ayleids, but there are clear differences as well. High Elven architecture is cleaner and more direct, with less baroque ornamentation than that of the Wild Elves.
  • The Refuge of Dread - Mehrunes Dagon's plane of Oblivion, known as the Deadlands, is an inferno of lava, razor-sharp obsidian, and deadly Daedra. Its only visitors are beings of steadfast courage and desperate purpose.
  • Ondil - Now ruined, the subterranean halls of Ondil were built in the early First Era to house Kinlady Fiorallelle's extensive collection of ceramic figurines. It was abandoned before completion when its alignment with the constellation of the Atronach was found to be seven percent off true.
  • Del's Claim - No one believed the old ouster Del when he staggered into Vulkhel Guard and claimed he'd found a huge deposit of lapis lazuli in the hills, but it turned out to be true, and now Del's Claim is one of the most profitable mines on Auridon.
  • Entila's Folly - Kinlady Entila of Clan Auralus had a vivid dream that beneath the coastal cliffs near Skywatch was a fabulous fist-sized gem, the Egg of the World. Based on the directions in her vision, she hired a score of miners to dig until they found it. The funds of Clan Auralus ran out first.
  • Wansalen - Legend has it that the excavation of Wansalen was halted, and the halls abandoned, when the Elven miners roused and angered an ancient rock-spirit called a Gheatus. But the wise Sapiarchs of the Crystal Tower dismiss this story as a fable with no truth to it.
  • Mehrunes' Spite - Before the followers of the Prophet Veloth left Summerset for Morrowind, they built several secret shrines for illicit worship of the Daedric Princes. It is believed that after the Chimer left Summerset, all of these heretical shrines were found and destroyed.
  • Bewan - The high vaulted halls of Bewan were originally built in the Merethic Era as a shrine to Trinimac. Bewan was abandoned early in the First Era when the priesthood moved to the grand Trinimac Chantry outside Skywatch.
  • Inner Tanzelwil - To the Altmer, Tanzelwil is one of the most sacred sites on Auridon, combining the functions of temple to the Elven ancestors and mausoleum of the ancient kinlords. The High Elves cremate their dead and then bury the ashes in wall shrines.
  • Toothmaul Gully - Goblins are native to the Summerset Isles, and were here when the Elves first arrived from Old Aldmeris. The Altmer enslaved the native Goblins to perform their manual labor, but never quite eradicated the free tribes in the wild.
  • Buraniim - For the greater Daedra, scamps are useful minions. Their nimble hands can carry and manipulate objects, and they are just intelligent enough to be cunning opponents in combat.
  • Temple of Auri-El - Auri-El is god-ancestor to all the High Elves, who claim direct descent from the divine Aedra. Auri-El is the god of time and creation, and is worshiped by most of Tamriel's humans as Akatosh.
  • Vulkhel Guard Outlaws Refuge - The Shadow Artisans of Vulkhel Guard may be outlaws, but they're still haughty High Elves, who pride themselves on keeping a hideout that's as aesthetically pleasing as it is functional.
  • Smuggler's Tunnel - The tunnels beneath Mathiisen lead to the sea, and over the centuries various smugglers and criminal organizations have utilized them for a variety of purposes.

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