This page contains loading screens from Reaper's March.
Location MessagesEdit
- Selene's Web - Even by the standards of Malabal Tor [sic], something is not right about the growth of the forest in this vicinity. It doesn't seem unhealthy—on the contrary, it seems vigorous, but in an unwholesome way.
- Reaper's March - Once known simply as Northern Valenwood, this region that borders Cyrodiil and Elsweyr has seen so much bloody warfare since the fall of the Second Empire that it's now known as Reaper's March, even to its battle-scarred inhabitants.
- Senalana - When the Senalana Ayleids fled the Slave Rebellion that made humans the masters of Cyrodiil, they didn't go far, just a league or so into Valenwood. They assumed the vengeance of their former slaves wouldn't follow them across the border. They were wrong.
- Temple to the Divines - Constructed by the Colovians during one of their periods of rule over Arenthia, this grand temple to the Eight is a testament to their devotion. There are said to be subterranean vaults beneath the nave.
- Halls of Ichor - The city of Falinesti occupies the boughs and bole of a great walking Elden Tree—possibly the original Elden Tree from which all others are derived. These towering graht-oaks are so huge as to beggar belief, trees on a mythic scale.
- Do'Krin Temple - Still magnificent even in decay, Do'Krin Temple is the crowning architectural achievement of the reign of Darloc Brae, the Golden Beast of Anequina. It was built with the loot of the Anequine Conquests, when Darloc Brae ruled from Rimmen to Arenthia.
- Rawl'kha Temple - Though not the largest temple in northern Elsweyr, Rawl'kha is probably the most culturally significant, for it is here that the Mane revealed the Riddle'Thar Epiphany in 2E 311, the key event in modern Khajiiti theology.
- Five Finger Dance - There are trickster spirits in many of Tamriel's cultures. The Khajiit and Wood Elves have raised one to the level of a major Divine. To them, Baan Dar represents genius, sly innovation, and agile wits. He is the nimble escape when trapped in a tight spot.
- Moonmont Temple - Though sacred to worshippers of Jone and Jode, the temple at Moonmont has fallen on hard times. The chaos in Reaper's March has cut off the flow of pilgrims to its shrines, and the Two-Moons clergy has had to abandon the site until peace returns.
- Fort Sphinxmoth - Built by the Second Empire to house a garrison of Border Scouts, Sphinxmoth was placed between feuding tribes of Bosmer and Khajiiti in an attempt to stop their cross-border raiding. When the Empire fell, the fort's garrison was replaced by the very raiders it was built to control.
- Thizzrini Arena - The Cat-Folk are inveterate gamblers, and like nothing better than a wager on a good fight. When the fort at Thizzrini stopped serving as a fort, within weeks it was turned into a fighting arena thronged with eager bettors.
- The Demi-Plane of Jode - Some theological scholars hold that the two moons orbiting Nirn are representations of the "Cloven Duality" of the Aedric trickster-god Lorkhan, who connived at the creation of the world and was punished for it.
- Den of Lorkhaj - Others (it is always Others) contend that the Moons are literally the rotting corpses of Lorkhan himself, spinning in eternal dual ellipses above but ever beyond that creation for which he gave his Heart. But the War of Manifest Metaphors has rendered this (and all narratives) absurd.
- Thibaut's Cairn - The cemeteries and graveyards of Reaper's March overflow with the dead slain in war after war, but at least their survivors could always count on them resting quietly. However, that was before Molag Bal began his Planemeld.
- Kuna's Delve - There is a ready market in Senchal and Torval for Khajiiti relics from the glorious period of the Anequine Conquests. Objects that date from the reign of Darloc Brae the Golden Beast are particularly prized.
- Fardir's Folly - For generations, tomb robbers have been trying to find their way into the halls beneath the Ayleid ruin known locally as Fardir's Folly. Word has reached Dune that they may finally have succeeded.
- Claw's Strike - Adoption of the Riddle'Thar Epiphany was not without controversy: when the priests of the Shrine of the Consummate S'rendarr in the Jodewood refused to accept the new edicts, they were exiled and the temple deconsecrated. Today it is a bandit lair.
- Weeping Wind Cave - According to the "Speluncus Tamrielicum," the reason Nirn is seemingly riddled with natural caverns is that, like a living body, the world is veined with a system of nodes and capillaries that once pulsed with the divine essence of the Aedra who created it.
- Jode's Light - The shrine of Jode's Light just outside Pa'alat was founded by Moon-Bishop Thizzrini in the mid-First Era as a place of safe contemplation for all moon-monks, no matter when they were born on the ja'Kha'jay. It was abandoned during the mass mortality of the Thrassian Plague.
- The Vile Manse - The Colovians of the Imperial West are generally known as a devout people, dedicated to the Eight Divines and the old Imperial virtues. But every generation throws up a few who turn to dark and sinister pursuits; these are known to their compatriots as the Woeful Colovians.
- Greenhill Catacombs - Though originally built by Colovians, the catacombs below Greenhill Church have burial chambers for each of the three local races. Khajiiti bury their dead much the same way the Imperials do; the Bosmer, of course, bury only their skeletons.
- Khaj Rawlith - The ruins at Khaj Rawlith mark the westernmost extent of the Anequine Conquests, when the Cat-Folk soldiers of the Golden Beast ruled the land from the Larsius River to the Strid. The vast echoing halls still evoke a certain brutal majesty.
- Ren-dro Caverns - The Eyes of the Queen is the Aldmeri Dominion's secret intelligence service. It's said that Ayrenn began assembling a network of informers on the continent of Tamriel long before she returned to Summerset to assume the throne.
- Rawl'kha Outlaws Refuge - The refuge below Rawl'kha is the haunt of the Darkmoon Prowlers, an "All-Khajiiti Gang" … which means they'll admit non-Khajiiti members, but only if they agree to wear a cat-mask.
- Serenity Falls Estate - Set in a quiet corner of Reaper's March, the rural manor of Serenity Falls deserves its name, with plenty of room for servants and livestock, all behind a handsome wall to keep out the bandits and burglars.
- Shrine of the Golden Eye - Devotees of Daedric Princes maintain hidden places of worship across Tamriel. One such site is the Shrine of the Golden Eye, dedicated to Hermaeus Mora. It was built by Khajiiti followers near water to be closer to his library under the sea."—Morian Zenas