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Online:Magnifico Khorshad

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Magnifico Khorshad
Home City Satakalaam
Location Magnifico Khorshad's Manor
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Magnifico Khorshad

Magnifico Khorshad is a Redguard noble found manor. He is the one responsible for allowing the Imperial Legion forces access into Satakalaam.

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When you enter the courtyard of his manor, he calls upon the Imperials to dispose of you.

Magnifico Khorshad: "This person is our enemy! Quickly! Kill the intruder!"

Speak with him inside the manor. If you're wearing a disguise:

"Despite the armor, it is obvious that you are no Imperial, and I rejoice that you have come to my rescue.
The Imperials have mistreated me, but I deemed it likely that they would seize control of all Alik'r, and there would be nowhere to flee to."

If you're not disguised:

"Whoever you are, I rejoice that you have come to my rescue. The Imperials have kept me locked in here.
I deemed it likely that they would seize control of all Alik'r, and there would be nowhere to flee to."
Don't lie. You helped the Imperials, didn't you?
"Yes, it's true, but only because resisting would have been to no avail.
They sought to use my manor as their command center. They would have slain me if I had not complied!"
Show me where the Imperials are coming in.
"Coming in? I do not have any insight on this.
I have been contained here in the manor the whole time. I did not even witness the Imperials marching into the city."
Are you lying to me?
"Yes, but please don't hurt me!
I did. I-I permitted the Imperials to use the smuggling tunnel beneath the manor, but I regret it now. There's a hatch below. Take the key. Do whatever you wish."
How can I stop them from coming through the tunnel?
"There are barrels of kindlepitch down in the tunnel. If you place them near the supports and ignite them, that should collapse the tunnel.
I am very sorry for what I have done. Perhaps … you could permit me to leave?"
You can go, but don't ever come back.
No. You betrayed the Covenant. You die.

Speaking to him if you allowed him to live:

"Thank you for exercising mercy on me.
I do not believe the Imperials would be so forgiving, so I beseech you … you must slay them all."