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Location Rivenspire
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Store Type Merchant

Maladdak is a Khajiit traveling merchant who can be found with his horse at any number of locations around Rivenspire. If you have the Intimidating Presence passive from the Fighters Guild, you have the option to rob him instead, which will help towards the Crime Pays achievement.


He will welcome you although not expecting to be robbed:

"Greetings, walker! Rabamak [sic] has many spotless goods. You will come and look, yes?"
[Intimidate] Hand over your gold or I'll beat you with your own tail.
"Mother always said this one was a kitten-headed fool!
Here, take everything! Just let this one go!"

If you meet him again, he will remember what you did previously:

"What do you want now? My claws?
No, for they are worth nothing. Forget this one's jest, yes?"


There is one achievement associated with this NPC:

Achievement Points Description
    Crime Pays 15 Extort gold from merchants across Tamriel.


  • For whatever reason, he refers to himself as Rabamak (in both the audio and subtitles of his opening line).