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Location Hrota Cave
Species Wispmother
Health 108,669 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Hostile

Malinanta is a wispmother found in Hrota Cave's southwestern chamber. She attacks the same way the common wispmother does. It is not required to slay her to clear the delve.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

As an elite creature, Malinanta is immune to all crowd control effects.

Rain of Wisps
Malinanta summons a volley of wisps that crash into the ground all around its position, indicated by numerous red circles, dealing moderate magical damage each.
Wisp Rune
Malinanta conjures a wisp at its target's location, indicated by a red circle, which then bursts, dealing high magical damage.
When below 50% health, Malinanta summons two weaker clones of itself with the same amount of health as well as having identical appearance and attacks. They disappear when Malinanta is defeated.
Summon Wisps
All throughout the fight, wisps passively appear near Malinanta to attack its target.


  • Malinanta drops no loot on death.


  • Unlike other named wispmothers, the copies of herself that Malinanta summons are named "Wispmother" rather than the same name as her and use the base skin instead of hers, making it easy to spot the real Malinanta. ?