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Online:Matron Jagiska

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Matron Jagiska
Location Appears at Harrowstorm Ritual Sites when they are activated
Race Reachman Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Icereach Coven
Condition Projection
Matron Jagiska as she begins the Harrowstorm

Matron Jagiska is a member of the Icereach Coven who appears as a projection when a Harrowstorm ritual is started at one of the sites around Western Skyrim, Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns and The Reach.

Skills and AbilitiesEdit

During the fight, Matron Jagiska will summon death hounds, vampires, harrowfiends and Icereach Coven members to fight anyone trying to disrupt the ritual.

Harrowstorm Energies
Random bolts of red lightning which cause small AOE circles and damage if hit.


Matron Jagiska from behind

When she appears she will speak frequently, sometimes shouting orders and other times mocking your attempts to stop the ritual.

Status of Gray Reliquary being prepared
"Our harvest begins!"
"It has begun!"
"They answer the call!"
"Initiate the exchange!"
"The reliquary is prepared."
"Continue the offerings!"
"This reliquary is nearly filled."
"More souls! More!"
"A bountiful harvest!'
"The exchange nears completion!"
"The exchange is complete!"
"Enjoy your freedom from Oblivion!"
"This reliquary is filled!"
"Step forth and join your comrades in this world!"
"Another fruitful harvest!"
Summoning a powerful creature to defend the reliquary
"Come! Obey the pact, creature of the Void! Defend our harvest!"
"The storm is undone, but the spoils are ours! Add their souls to the harvest, my creature!"
"You shall not claim the gray reliquary. Oblivion will take you first!"
"Protect the gray reliquary and feast on these vermin!"
"Enough of your meddling! Your end is nigh!"
Taunts towards players
"Come fools! Throw yourselves upon the sacrificial pyre!"
"The storm has not stripped you of your soul? We'll coax it from you yet."
"Yes! Rage against the storm! Let your vigor seep away and join our great harvest!"
"You'll make a fine sacrifice to the harrowstorm!"
"You can die knowing you will serve a greater purpose!"
"Your struggle is impressive, but you will not starve our ritual."
One Witch Pike is destroyed with two remaining
"Your struggle is impressive, but you will not starve our ritual."
"Is that what you call triumph? Broken branches and snapped twigs?"
"Were you expecting something more for your efforts than splinters and pain? You cannot quell the storm!"
"The loss of one pike will not dispel this ritual."
"Your attempts to interfere with this ritual as meaningless as they are pathetic!"
One Witch Pike remaining
"Another pike falls, but you will soon join it."
"Did that give you a glimmer of hope? One pike is enough."
"You are weevils among cord wood. Irritating. Nothing more."
"So long as one pike remains, the ritual will continue!"
"Defend the pikes, you fools! The ritual must continue!"
All three Witch Pikes are destroyed and the Gray Host Champion is summoned
"So what if the winds die? This storm has served its purpose."
"The pikes are easily replaced. All your efforts are a waste."
"You'll soon wish the storm had swept away your soul."
"There will be other storms. You won't live to see them!"
"Your victory over wicker will be short lived!"
"The storm is undone, but the spoils are ours! Add their souls to the harvest, my creature!"
When a Harrowstorm is successfully disrupted [verification needed — is there a difference if the gray reliquary champion is summoned or not]
"How? How can you survive the ritual? How can you stand against our storms?"
"The harvest! Wasted! Now your kind has died for nothing!"
"This makes no difference! There will be other harrowstorms. You'll never stop them all."
"This is not the end. I swear to you, my sisters' sacrifices will not be in vain."
"This changes nothing! There are many more where that came from!"
"For every harrowstorm you stop, we will summon a dozen more!"
"A meaningless victory! You've destroyed one of hundreds. Your struggle is doomed to failure!"
"Impossible! This summoning must have been flawed. Such mistakes will not be repeated!"
"You've stopped the storm, but you'll never reclaim what it's taken from you!"