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Online:Mazrahil the Scarab

< Elder Scrolls Online: People(Redirected from Online:Mazrahil the Sly Scarab)
Mazrahil the Scarab
Location North of the Old Tower
Race Redguard Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Mazrahil the Scarab

Mazrahil the Scarab is an old wounded Redguard found north of the Old Tower. In his prime, he was a freelance spy working across Bangkorai. He is now trying to disrupt the operations of the Seventh Legion's Second Cohort in the region.

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He will be hiding behind a rock or under a tree depending where you're approach Old Tower. He sees you as you approach him "Psst. Over here. You there."

Speaking to him:

"Pardon my manners, I can't rise to bow.
I'm afraid I'm not as spry as I was. Won't be for awhile."
What happened to you?
"I tried to infiltrate the Imperial camp … falsify their orders … wanted to send them far from here.
It was great plan but flawed, for I am not the man I once was. Idle days have stolen my strength. I fled into the rocks after I was wounded."
Infiltrating camps? Falsifying orders? Who are you?
"They once called me the Sly Scarab, but my given name is Mazrahil.
Other questions must wait—those orders are of the paramount importance. If you get them, I can hobble unnoticed to the ruins below the gate and await you there. Will you help me?"
I'll look for the Imperial orders.

After agreeing to help him, Mazrahil can be asked further questions about his mission:

"Imperials and beetles both have surly dispositions and sharp implements, but you must persevere.
The future of Bangkorai may rest on your shoulders! Once I catch my breath, I'll meet you at the ruins below the Craglorn gate."
What were you doing out here?/What were you doing up here?
"I have a dead drop at the base of the Craglorn Gates. No one has left the Scarab a note for years, but I always check. Old habits, yes?
Anyway, I saw the smoke from the road and decided to investigate."
Where do you think they came from?
"Hallin's Stand I wager. I cannot stand the thought of those diamond-backed jackals occupying my city. Once my work here is complete I'll … what am I saying? My knees creak just climbing into bed. Scrambling rooftops at my age is a fool's game."
However, if The Shifting Sands of Fate has been completed, he'll say instead:
"I suspect that after Hallin's Stand was liberated they decided Old Tower was a solid and defensible position. Only Tall Papa knows why they refuse to leave Bangkorai entirely. There must be something in Hammerfell that they want."
Why are these orders so important?
"These Imperial dogs are creatures of routine. They'd likely die of starvation if a dining schedule weren't posted outside the company's mess.
But we can count of them to follow orders without question."
So your falsified orders will send them back to Cyrodiil?
"They should. I'm a fair hand at forgery, if I do say so myself. These should do the trick, all right."
I'll see what I can do.
"Hurry. I saw them burnishing their weapons and armor while I crept through the camp. I think they intend to march soon."

After obtaining the orders, Mazrahil has changed hiding places.

"Fast and effective! Onsi has blessed me with a capable ally in my time of need.
Now let's take a look at what you've found, and we'll learn if fortune continues to favor us today."
What do the documents say?
"The Seventh Legion soldiers here have been ordered to find and loot the Dwarven city of Volenfell for an ancient device their Chancellor seeks.
I've forged new orders that will send them back to Cyrodiil instead, but they lack an official seal."
How can we get one?
"I hope you mean, how can you get one!If you can find an Imperial Officer's Signet, that will serve the purpose. They're carried by legion officers, of which there are two, Lieutenant Corvinus and Lieutenant Voteporix, at this camp."
What do I do after that?
"Here are the phony orders. Just place them into the dispatch chest in the command tent by the tower, with the Imperial Officer's Signet folded inside them.
If you can make this work, we'll send those legionnaires back to where they came from."
I'll plant the false orders after I secure the Imperial Officer's Signet.

If he if spoken to again, he will urge you to head off.

"Hurry! You need to switch the orders before they start to move out for Volenfell.
They could strike camp suddenly. You never know with armies … it's always hurry up and wait."

Once the forged orders have been placed, you can return to Mazrahil with the good news.

"Glad one of us is still nimble. I couldn't get any further up the slope than this.
In the confusion of your violent entry and exit, they won't notice their papers were disturbed. Sometimes rowdy is better than sly."
You see, quite sure of that.
"Of course! And because of your actions here, they will never find the magic weapon Chancellor Tharn wants.
That's good news for the Covenant—and possibly for all of Tamriel. Why, we're heroes! Heh heh."

Afterwards, Mazrahil can be asked about why he became known as the Sly Scarab.

"Go, don't worry about me. My faith's been justified this day more times than I care to count.
I'll be better presently. But this is the last adventure for the Sly Scarab."
So you never did tell me why you're called the Sly Scarab.
"You're right, I didn't."
Care to elaborate?
"You've heard of the Black Drake, yes?"
Remind me.
"Funny …. It's been decades—but now facing these Imperials, it feels like days.
Long ago, the Reachmen were called to war by a mighty chieftain known as Durcorach "The Black Drake." A feral man-mountain."
Go on.
"Well, his exploits and demise are well documented. Less well-known is the aftermath.
The Black Drake and his horde tore Hallin's Stand to pieces. All goods of value were stolen or destroyed. All semblance of civic order was broken."
So what did you do?
"Not enough, but I did what I could.
I exposed criminal plots, abducted corrupt bureaucrats, broke political prisoners out of dungeons …. Some town crier started calling me "The Sly Scarab." I'm still not exactly sure why."
So you plan to retire?
"Well, it had to come some day!
Being the Scarab has never been a choice—I did what I had to do. But this is my last exploit. I think it's time for a good, long walkabout in the deep desert."


  • Despite himself and the objective/objective descriptions all referring to him as "Mazrahil the Sly Scarab", his nameplate will simply appear as "Mazrahil the Scarab".