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< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Home Settlement Illumination Academy
Race High Elf Gender Female
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly

Merenfire is a High Elf standing outside the entrances to the Illumination Academy behaving like a Nord warrior and bellowing at any traveler. When asked about her peculiarly Nordic mannerisms, Merenfire will direct you to the mage Erudil to find out what's happened.

After this she will wander down the road and disappear.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related DialogueEdit

She calls to you as you approach:

Merenfire: "Hail, mighty warrior!"

Speaking to her:

"Hail, weary traveler! Seek ye the torchlit halls of Sovngarde? You will not find them here, alas! Naught but puny Elves and snow-backed wizards dwell in this place!
I am bound for the Whale Bone Bridge, and Tsun's mighty challenge! Join me!"
Puny Elves? I think you might be confused. Why are you talking like a Nord?
"Confused? Bah! You sound like that scrawny mage, Erudil!
My course is plain! I must make my way to the dwelling place of my honored ancestors, to bathe my beard in meade 
[sic] and sing the shield-thane's song of battle! Make way, or taste skyforged steel!"'
Where can I find this Elf, Erudil?
"You would have words with that thin-legged sorcerer? Fine! You will find him in the courtyard of the gaudy Elf-Hall up the hill.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an adventure to return to!"
All right. I'll find this Erudil. Good luck?

If spoken to again:

"Just have to remember the route to Sovngarde …. It will come to me eventually—as sure as the snows of Frostfall!"