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Online:Mertis Othren

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Mertis Othren
Home Settlement Vos
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 15,000
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) House Telvanni
Mertis Othren

Mertis Othren is a Dark Elf found in Vos.

He is later revealed to be an oathman of House Telvanni who was hired by Wizard Jinrisa to undermine Sun-in-Shadow's plan acquiring the plot for Jinrisa instead.

Related QuestsEdit


While asking around town if anyone knows someone who wishes to sell land

"What are you gawking at, outlander?"
Do you know of anyone in the area who might be interested in selling land?
"Do I look like a surveyor to you? If it's land you want, go talk to some of those bumpkins outside town.
Now if you don't mid, I'd like to get back to my drink."

After speaking to Barys Rendo about selling his farm to your "partner", Mertis will be at his camp above the village. When you arrive you'll see him speaking to someone:

Mertis Othren : "Here's the deed, Lady Jinrisa."
Wizard Jinrisa: "Good. Deal with any loose ends."

Mertis Othren
Location Just west of Vos
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 108,669 Difficulty  
Reaction Hostile Class Nightblade
Other Information
Faction(s) House Telvanni
Mertis Othren once hostile

Attack and he'll say:

Mertis Othren : "Well, if it isn't my favorite loose end. Time to tie it off."