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Online:Michel Helomaine

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Michel Helomaine
Home Settlement Wind Keep
House Michel Helomaine's Home
Race Breton Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Michel Helomaine

Michel Helomaine is a grieving Breton who can be found standing outside of his home in Wind Keep. He is looking for help in preparing the burial of his recently dead wife Breloth.

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When you first approach him, he is in mourning:

"The world is dark. My sweet wife is dead."

Speaking to him, he says:

"My wife, Breloth, is dead. Mara take her soul.
She was the only good thing I ever knew in this world, and now I can't even give her a decent burial."
Perhaps I can help?
"You … you would do that? I want it to be perfect. Breloth … she had such exquisite taste.
My father said she was 'high-upkeep', but I loved the way she just knew what she liked. She would've wanted her funeral to be special."
What do you need me to do?
"She was a Wood Elf—she loved nature, flowers. If you could get some fallen blossoms to out in her hair.
And her favorite meal—mudcrab and the Wayside Inn's house wine. You'd actually get these for us?"
Yes, I'll get what you need.

Once agreeing to help him, Michel can be asked about his wife and where to find the items.

"You coming along was such a blessing.
Truly the Eight sent you! This will mean so much to Breloth. So much."
Where can I find the things you asked for?
"Skygazer peonies grow far to the north, near the waterfall. They prefer the higher ledges of the mountain ridge.
Breloth loved their fragrant blossoms. They always looked wonderful in her hair."
Where can I find mudcrab claws?
"You'll find plenty of mudcrabs at the base of the waterfall to the north. Stragglers are sometimes found in the passing stream.
Their succulent claw meat is the most important part. My wife never cared for the rest."
Where can I find the house wine?
"Finding the wine is simple. Talk to Joncis Malarelie at the Wayside Inn. He'll sell it to you.
You know how the Bosmer like their drink. I'd like to bury the bottle with her."
Where can I find skygazer blossoms? (Cycles back to the original response)
Tell me more about your wife.
"What's there to say? She was my sun, my moon, my stars. I was never one to really appreciate nature until I met her.
I guess that's one of the benefits of having a Bosmer wife."
How did she die?
"Natural causes. She just woke up one morning and she was dead. She always said, "We aren't young saplings anymore." She was right.
I thought I'd go first, though, her being a Wood Elf and all."
How did your friend and family react to the marriage? / How did your friends and family feel about the marriage?
"Oh, that was a long time ago now, but they didn't much care for it. My mother never spoke to me again, and my father never let a day go by without expressing his disapproval.
The townsfolk were slow to accept her, but over the years, they did."
How do you feel about rumors that the Bosmer eat people?
"Well, they're not just rumors of course. The Bosmer do eat people. She didn't have a taste for it, though.
That's part of how she ended up here. So I guess I'm grateful for that practice. We always joked about it, too."

When the items have all been gathered.

"Did you get everything? The blossoms, the mudcrab claws? Did you forget the wine?"
I have it all.
"Oh Breloth, my love! Do you see what we have for you? She would've loved this.
Flowers, wine, food … everything will be perfect."

After completing The Perfect Burial:

"Thank you for your help. This is going to be perfect now. Perfect.
I don't know whether I'm happy or sad, or both, but I feel better."

If you completed Gift from a Suitor first before The Perfect Burial:

"She meant the world to me, but now, we'll never see each other again. At least we won't have other murders like this one. Thank you."