Whitestrake's Mayhem (previously called Midyear Mayhem) is a holiday event that typically takes place twice a year, initially around July (thus the previous name) and again in January. The event is a celebration of Pelinal Whitestrake's victory against the Ayleids in a pivotal conflict known as Pelinal's Midyear Massacre. The event is themed around PvP in Cyrodiil.
The festival has a repeatable quest associated with it, also named Whitestrake's Mayhem (previously Midyear Mayhem), as well as a number of achievements.
During the event, enjoy the 100% increase of Alliance Point, XP, and Tel Var Stone gains. These bonuses are shared passively to adventurers competing throughout Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds.
Another notable feature of the event is the inclusion of Pelinal's Midyear Boon Box, which has a chance to contain Transmute Crystals, PvP consumables, Alliance and Akaviri Motif chapters, Prismatic Runestones, Reagents, and Songs of Pelinal book furnishings.
Pelinal's Midyear Boon BoxEdit
- Supplies with a Surprise: Tel Var stones, useful items for the Alliance War, and a Random Rarity. Once per day per account, during the event, will also contain one Standard-Bearer's Proof.
Pelinal's Midyear Boon Boxes are rewarded for completing Alliance War, Cyrodiil Settlement, and Battlegrounds quests during the Whitestrake's Mayhem event.
Possible LootEdit
These boxes can contain the following items:
- Reagents
- Soul Gems
- Hakeijo Runestones
- Style Materials:
- Crafting Motifs Pages:
- Tel Var Stones
- Siege Weapons — Cold Fire and Cold Stone
- Siege Support Items — Forward Camps, Keep and Siege Repair Kits
- The Song of Pelinal Furnishing Items:
Whitestrake's Mayhem Summer 2024 (July/August)Edit
- Go toe-to-toe with your fellow players across Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds all while collecting exciting in-game rewards during the Whitestrake's Mayhem PvP event!
Whitestrake's Mayhem second run for 2024 took place from July 25 to August 6, 2024. In addition to the rewards from previous events, it introduces several new items. Pelinal's Boon Boxes were rewarded for completing PVP daily quests, or as a bonus reward with Rewards for the Worthy mails you received.
New ItemsEdit
The event introduced the new style motif, the Ayleid Lich Style. Style pages for this armor had a chance to be found in the Pelinal Boon Boxes. Otherwise Bound Pages could be obtained from The Impresario for 5 Event Tickets each. The corresponding Ayleid Lich Arms Pack was sold in the Crown Store for 900 .
Event TicketsEdit
For this event you can earn a total of 3 Event Tickets per day, for a maximum of 39 tickets by the end of the event.
- 2 tickets by completing any Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds daily quest.
- 1 ticket by completing any Imperial City District daily quest.
The ImpresarioEdit
- The Impresario debuted the Bizarre Daedric Meat, which is the first fragment needed for the Anchorborn Welwa mount.
- She sold the bound Ayleid Lich style pages for 5 Event Tickets each.
- She continued to have available all three fragments of the Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet.
- She also sold the usual Group Repair Kits, Companion Guild Commendations, and the Bag of Veteran's Glory containing one guaranteed drop of a previous Whitestrake's/Midyear reward that you haven't already collected.
Nenulaure and Philius DormierEdit
Nenulaure also has the following available for event tickets:
- Onyx Indrik Berries
- Mossheart Indrik Berries
- Ebon-Glow Indrik Pet
- Sapling Indrik Pet
Philius Dormier also has the following 2021 and 2022 event collectibles available for event tickets:
- All three fragments for the Unstable Morpholith pet
- All three fragments for the Deadlands Firewalker personality
- All three fragments for the Soulfire Dragon Illusion pet
- All three fragments for the Aurelic Quasigriff mount
Whitestrake's Mayhem Winter 2024 (February/March)Edit
- Engage your fellow players within Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds during the Whitestrake's Mayhem in-game event to receive in-game rewards, XP, and more!
Whitestrake's Mayhem took place from February 22 to March 5th, 2024. In addition to the rewards from previous events, it introduced several new items. Pelinal's Boon Boxes were rewarded for completing PVP daily quests, or as a bonus reward with Rewards for the Worthy mails you received. This event removed the requirement to use a Scroll of Pelinal's Ferocity in order to collect event buffs. The buffs became passive for players in PvP zones, and new scrolls could no longer be collected.
New ItemsEdit
- Dovah's Du'ul Style — Style pages for this armor had a chance to be found in Pelinal Boon Boxes. A maximum of 1 armor style page could be found per day. Style pages for older styles (such as Sancre Tor Sentry) would also drop rarely but without the one per day restriction. The armor style pages were also available to buy from The Impresario for 5 Event Tickets each.
Event TicketsEdit
You could earn a total of 3 Event Tickets per day during this event.
- 2 tickets by completing any Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds daily quest.
- 1 ticket by completing any Imperial City District daily quest.
The ImpresarioEdit
The Impresario sells style pages for the Dovah's Du'ul style for 5 tickets each.
- Also available were all three fragments of the Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet and the first two fragments of the Planemeld's Master markings.
- She also sold the usual Group Repair Kits, Companion Guild Commendations, and the Bag of Veteran's Glory containing one guaranteed drop of a previous Whitestrake's/Midyear reward that you haven't already collected.
Nenulaure and Philius DormierEdit
Nenulaure also has the following available for event tickets:
- Nascent Indrik Feathers
- Dawnwood Indrik Berries
- Spectral Indrik Berries
- Springtide Indrik Pet
- Haunting Indrik Pet
Philius Dormier also has the following 2021 event collectibles available for event tickets:
- All three fragments for the Unstable Morpholith pet
- All three fragments for the Doomchar Plateau house
Bonus Resources and The GoldenEdit
- Players making use of harvesting nodes during the Whitestrike Mayhem event will loot extra resources.
- Additionally, the Cyrodiil merchant Adhazabi, "The Golden" Aba-daro will update her shop's stock to contain jewelry from Cyrodiil's item sets, in CP160 Legendary quality. Aba-daro's Bazaar will offer valuable necklaces during the first weekend of the event and rare rings during the second.
Whitestrake's Mayhem 2023 (June/July)Edit
- Engage in glorious combat throughout Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds during the Whitestrake's Mayhem in-game event and earn in-game rewards, XP, and more!
Whitestrake's Mayhem took place from June 29th to July 11th, 2023. In addition to the rewards from previous events, it introduced several new items. Pelinal's Boon Boxes are rewarded for completing PVP daily quests, or as a bonus reward with Rewards for the Worthy mails you receive.
New ItemsEdit
- Sancre Tor Sentry Style — Style pages for this armor have a chance to drop from sweepers and bosses in the Imperial City. Style pages for the weapons have a chance to be found in Pelinel Boon Boxes. Both the armor and weapon style pages are also available to buy from The Impresario for 5 Event Tickets each. A maximum of 1 armor style page and 1 weapon style page could be found per day. Style pages for older styles (such as Gloamsedge) would also drop rarely but without the one per day restriction.
Event TicketsEdit
You can earn a total of 3 Event Tickets per day during this event.
- 2 tickets by completing any Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds daily quest.
- 1 ticket by completing any Imperial City District daily quest.
The ImpresarioEdit
The Impresario sells style pages for the Sancre Tor Sentry style for 5 tickets each.
- Also available were all three fragments of the Passion Dancer Blossom pet, all three fragments of the Passion's Muse personality, as well as all three fragments of the Meadowbreeze Memories skin. This was the first time the final Pressed Silver Leaves skin fragment was made available.
- She also sold the usual Group Repair Kits, Companion Guild Commendations, and the Bag of Veteran's Glory containing one guaranteed drop of a previous Whitestrake's/Midyear reward that you haven't already collected.
Nenulaure and Philius DormierEdit
Nenulaure also has the following available for event tickets:
- Nascent Indrik Feathers
- Luminous Indrik Berries
- Icebreath Indrik Berries
- Shimmering Indrik Pet
- Rimedusk Indrik Pet
Philius Dormier also has the following 2021 event collectibles available for event tickets, returning for the first time:
- All three fragments for the Unstable Morpholith pet
- All three fragments for the Deadlands Scorcher skin
Bonus Resources and The GoldenEdit
- Players making use of harvesting nodes during the Whitestrike Mayhem event will loot extra resources.
- Additionally, the Cyrodiil merchant Adhazabi, "The Golden" Aba-daro will update her shop's stock to contain jewelry from Cyrodiil's item sets, in CP160 Legendary quality. Aba-daro's Bazaar will offer valuable necklaces during the first weekend of the event and rare rings during the second.
Whitestrake's Mayhem 2023 (May)Edit
- Clash across Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds during the Whitestrake's Mayhem in-game event and you'll earn bonuses to Alliance Points and XP gains, in-game rewards, and more!
Whitestrake's Mayhem took place from May 11th to May 23rd, 2023. In addition to the rewards from previous events, it introduced several new items. Pelinal's Boon Boxes are rewarded for completing PVP daily quests, or as a bonus reward with Rewards for the Worthy mails you receive.
New ItemsEdit
- Gloamsedge Style — Style pages for this armor have a chance to drop from sweepers and bosses in the Imperial City. They are also available to buy from The Impresario for 5 Event Tickets each.
Event TicketsEdit
You can earn a total of 3 Event Tickets per day during this event.
- 2 tickets by completing any Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds daily quest.
- 1 ticket by completing any Imperial City District daily quest.
The ImpresarioEdit
The Impresario sells style pages for the Gloamsedge style for 5 tickets each.
- Also available will be all three fragments of the Passion Dancer Blossom pet, all three fragments of the Passion's Muse personality, as well as the first two fragments of the Meadowbreeze Memories skin.
- She will also sell the usual Group Repair Kits, Companion Guild Commendations, and the Bag of Veteran's Glory containing one guaranteed drop of a previous Whitestrake's/Midyear rewards that you haven't already collected
Nenulaure will also have the following available for event tickets:
- Nascent Indrik Feathers
- Luminous Indrik Berries
- Icebreath Indrik Berries
- Shimmering Indrik Pet
- Rimedusk Indrik Pet
Bonus Resources and The GoldenEdit
- Players making use of harvesting nodes during the Whitestrike Mayhem event will loot extra resources.
- Additionally, the Cyrodiil merchant Adhazabi, "The Golden" Aba-daro will update her shop's stock to contain jewelry from Cyrodiil's item sets, in CP160 Legendary quality. Aba-daro's Bazaar will offer valuable necklaces during the first weekend of the event and rare rings during the second.
Whitestrake's Mayhem 2022 (July/August)Edit
- Battle with and against your fellow adventures across Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds, all the while earning bonus Alliance Points and XP, in-game rewards, and more!
Whitestrake's Mayhem took place in July and August 2022. In addition to the rewards from previous events, it introduced several new items. Pelinal's Boon Boxes are rewarded for completing daily quests in Cyrodiil or the Imperial City, or as a bonus reward with Rewards for the Worthy mails you receive.
New ItemsEdit
- House Dufort Banneret Style — Style pages for this armor have a chance to rarely drop from bosses in the Imperial City or from Pelinal's Boon Boxes. They are also available to buy from The Impresario for 5 Event Tickets each.
- Battle-Scarred Body and Face Markings — Runeboxes for these cosmetics have a chance to rarely drop from Pelinal's Boon Boxes. Very rarely both can drop from one runebox, named Battle-Scar Markings.
Event TicketsEdit
You can earn a total of 3 Event Tickets per day during this event.
- 2 tickets by completing any Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds daily quest.
- 1 ticket by completing any Imperial City District daily quest.
The ImpresarioEdit
The Impresario sells style pages for the House Dufort Banneret style for 5 tickets each, as well as the Battle-Scar face and body markings for 5 tickets each.
- Also available will be all three fragments of the Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet as well as the first fragment of the Daggerfall Paladin costume.
- Cullearn can be found at the Impresario's tent, modelling the Battle-Scarred face and body markings.
Whitestrake's Mayhem 2022 (February/March)Edit
- Clash with your fellow players across Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds as you collect bonus XP, collectibles, and more!
Midyear Mayhem took place in February 2022 and was renamed Whitestrake's Mayhem. In addition to the rewards from previous events, it introduced several new items. Pelinal's Boon Boxes are rewarded for completing daily quests in Cyrodiil or the Imperial City, or as a bonus reward with Rewards for the Worthy mails you receive.
New ItemsEdit
- Black Drake Clanwrap Style — Style pages for this armor have a chance to rarely drop from bosses in the Imperial City or from Pelinal's Boon Boxes. They are also available to buy from The Impresario for 5 Event Tickets each.
- Black Drake Body and Face Markings — Runeboxes for these cosmetics have a chance to rarely drop from Pelinal's Boon Boxes. Very rarely both can drop from one runebox, named Black Drake's Warpaints.
Event TicketsEdit
You can earn a total of 3 Event Tickets per day during this event.
- 2 tickets by completing any Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds daily quest.
- 1 ticket by completing any Imperial City District daily quest.
The ImpresarioEdit
The Impresario sells style pages for the Black Drake Clanwrap for 5 tickets each, as well as the face and body markings for 5 tickets each.
- Also available will be all three fragments of the Soulfire Dragon Illusion Pet as well as the first two fragments of the Scales of Akatosh skin. This is the first time the Lustrous Ritual Sand has been made available.
- A new NPC named Cullearn can be found at the Impresario's tent, modelling parts of the Black Drake Clanwrap armor and Black Drake markings.
Midyear Mayhem 2021 (June/July)Edit
A second Midyear Mahyem event took place from June 24 to July 6, 2021. It introduced the third and final fragment of the Deadlands Firewalker Personality, the Vial of Scalding Daedric Brew. The other five fragments will also be available from the Impresario. It also introduced the Alliance Banner-Bearer Style for alliance-themed staves and shields.
You can earn a total of 3 Event Tickets per day during this event. The first 2 come from completing any daily quest that focuses on Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds. You may earn an additional ticket by completing an Imperial City District daily quest. A total of 36 tickets can be earned during this event.
Midyear Mayhem 2021 (January/February)Edit
- Battle in the Alliance War, Battlegrounds, and Imperial City during the Midyear Mayhem PvP event and you'll earn bonus XP, collectibles, and more!
The first Midyear Mayhem of the year took place from January 28 to February 9, 2021. In addition to the rewards from previous Midyear Mayhems, the new Ebonsteel Knight armor style pages have been introduced. Pages have a chance to drop from bosses in the Imperial City, but are also available from the Impresario for 5 each. The corresponding weapon styles are only available from the Crown Store by purchasing the limited time Ebonsteel Knight Arms Pack during this event.
This Midyear Mayhem event also introduces a brand-new series of base and upgrade fragments for the year. These fragments will allow you to summon the new Unstable Morpholith pet and eventually upgrade the pet into different items throughout 2021. Pet and upgrade fragments can be bought from The Impresario for Event Tickets. Rune-Scribed Daedra Hide, the first of three upgrade fragments for the Deadlands Scorcher Skin, first became available during this event.
You can earn a total of 3 Event Tickets per day during this event. The first 2 come from completing any daily quest that focuses on Cyrodiil or Battlegrounds. You may earn an additional ticket by completing an Imperial City District daily quest. A total of 39 tickets can be earned during this event.
Three separate Alliance Breton Terrier pets were introduced this year. To receive the pet, you need to collect and combine ten Breton Terrier Mammoth Bones. You can find Breton Terrier Mammoth Bones inside of Pelinal's Midyear Boon Boxes. When you consume the ten bones, you will receive a runebox. The Alliance your fabricated pet is associated with is determined by the Alliance of the character that consumes the ten mammoth bones: Aldmeri Dominion players will receive a Runebox: Aldmeri Breton Terrier Pet with a Dominion Breton Terrier, Daggerfall Covenant players will receive a Runebox: Daggerfall Breton Terrier Pet for a Covenant Breton Terrier, and Ebonheart Pact players will receive a Runebox: Ebonheart Breton Terrier Pet with a Pact Breton Terrier inside. These pets are not like the Alliance War Mastiff; the costume for one Breton Terrier does not change if you set it as your active pet on a character from a different Alliance. On the contrary, these pets are exactly like the Alliance Standard-Bearer Emotes introduced in 2020. Alternatively, all three of these pets can be purchased separately from the Impresario for 5 each.
Midyear Mayhem 2020 (June/July)Edit
- Bring glory to your Alliance, your guild, or yourself during the Midyear Mayhem PvP event and you'll earn double Alliance Points, XP, and unique rewards.
A second Midyear Mayhem event for 2020 ran from June 25 to July 8, 2020 and built on what was introduced during the previous iteration in January. It introduced the Second Legion Outfit Style and brought back Legion Zero Style Pages which can be earned by killing Patrolling Horrors in the Imperial Districts and named champions in the Imperial Sewers. The event was originally planned to end on July 7 but was extended due to scheduled maintenance.
During this event you can earn up to 4 tickets a day by completing two PVP activities, for 2 tickets each:
- One of the Alliance War or Battleground daily quests.
- One of the Imperial City district daily quests.
The Impresario will stock two new berries, the Icebreath Berries of Growth and Icebreath Berries of Ripeness and the first two Icebreath Berries, allowing you to complete the Icebreath Indrik. Other wares of note are the Rimedusk Indrik pet, bound Second Legion and Legion Zero Styles Pages, as well as the Standard-Bearer Emotes.
Finally, resource nodes within Cyrodiil and the Imperial City will drop double and Adhazabi Aba-daro will be at your alliance headquarters for the entire event.
This event was the first time Predicant Maera could be found at Gladiator's Quarters across Tamriel, in addition to her usual appearance at alliance bases in Cyrodiil. A Basin of the Gore Virtuous was also placed at each of the Gladiator's Quarters, allowing for easy renewal of the Pelinal's Fury buff when handing in Battlegrounds quests.
Midyear Mayhem 2020 (January/February)Edit
- Clash with your fellow players in Cyrodiil, the Battlegrounds, and Imperial City during the Midyear Mayhem event and you'll earn bonus Alliance Points and exclusive new rewards!
The first 2020 Midyear Mayhem event ran from January 23 until February 4, 2020. The event was similar to the previous year, but with a few additions.
Legion Zero Style pages are a new outfit style that have a chance to drop from bosses in the Imperial City and Sewers. Pelinal's Midyear Boon Boxes return, earned from PvP daily quests. The first box opened each day per account will contain one Alliance Standard-Bearer's Emblem. Collecting 10 of these and combining it with an Alliance Standard-Bearer's License, available for purchase from Predicant Maera, will reward you with one of three new alliance Standard-Bearer Emotes.
This event is also the first chance for players to begin working towards the new Spectral Indrik evolution, with two of the four required berries available for purchase from The Impresario
Throughout the event players could earn three Event Tickets per day per account by completing the following PvP daily quests:
- Battlegrounds quests from Battlemaster Rivyn
- Scouting, Battle, Warfront, and Conquest Missions.
- Elder Scroll capture and recapture quests
- Town quests in Vlastarus, Bruma, Cropsford, Cheydinhal, and Chorrol
- Imperial City daily quests
A total of 39 Event Tickets can be earned during this event. During the event, The Impresario will stock the following items:
- Indrik Feathers
- Legion Zero Style pages
- Standard-Bearer Emotes
- Spectral Berries of Bloom
- Spectral Berries of Budding
In addition to this, harvesting nodes for both Cyrodiil and the Imperial City dropped double their regular resources, and the special merchant known as "The Golden" stocked Alliance War Legendary-quality jewelry (necklaces during the first weekend and rings during the second).
Midyear Mayhem 2019Edit
- March into Cyrodiil and the Battlegrounds to contend with your fellow players during the action-packed Midyear Mayhem encore event. Learn about how you can earn double XP, Alliance Points, and additional rewards right here!
The 2019 Midyear Mayhem event ran from January 10 until January 21, 2019. The event was similar to the previous year, but with a few additions. Throughout the event players could earn Event Tickets and purchase the Dawnwood Berries of Bloom, required to evolve the Nascent Indrik mount into a Dawnwood Indrik mount.
In addition to this, harvesting nodes for both Cyrodiil and the Imperial City dropped double their regular resources, and the special merchant known as "The Golden" stocked Alliance War Legendary-quality jewelry (necklaces during the first weekend and rings during the second).
Midyear Mayhem 2018Edit
- Glory awaits those who fight for themselves or their Alliance during the Midyear Mayhem PvP event. Celebrate the legendary warrior Pelinal Whitestrake and earn double XP, Alliance Points, and bonus rewards by taking part in ESO's PvP game modes!
The 2018 Midyear Mayhem event ran from July 26 to August 6, 2018. The event was identical to the previous year in every way, but added four new achievements to earn.
Midyear Mayhem 2017Edit
- Prepare for battle! Celebrate the legendary hero Pelinal Whitestrake and his victory at the Bridge of Heldon by taking part in our first Midyear Mayhem PvP event and earning the Midyear Victor's Laurel Wreath collectible hat. It is said that those who wear the Midyear Laurel feel themselves infused with the holy rage of the spirit of Pelinal himself! To learn how you can get your own Laurel Wreath while earning double Alliance Points, PvP gear, and rare crafting items, read on!
The inaugural Midyear Mayhem event ran from July 20 to July 31, 2017. Alongside Midyear Boon Boxes, this event introduced a new collectible hat, the Midyear Victor's Laurel Wreath, and the "Star-Made Knight" title which could be earned by completing all the achievements associated with the event.
Notably, both the Imperial City DLC and the Morrowind Chapter were needed this year to complete all ten event achievements and earn your victor's laurel.
Crown Store OfferingsEdit
The following items are typically sold in the Crown Store around Midyear Mayhem:
- In the past:
- Upon completing the opening event quest, Whitestrake's Mayhem (previously Midyear Mayhem), you used to receive the Scroll of Pelinal's Ferocity, a reusable item which doubled Alliance Points gained for two hours. You could obtain a new scroll each time by completing the quest again, although if you lost the item mid-event you could purchase more from Predicant Maera. As of the February/March 2024 event, the Scroll of Pelinal's Ferocity was no longer needed to enjoy the 100% increase of Alliance Point, XP, and Tel Var Stone gains. These bonuses became shared passively to adventurers competing throughout Cyrodiil, the Imperial City, and Battlegrounds. The scroll could no longer be obtained, and existing scrolls served no purpose.
- Details on the Midyear Mayhem began the related quest, and could be found at Gladiator's Quarters throughout Tamriel.
External LinksEdit
- Zenimax 2024 July Announcement - Defeat Your Rivals & Earn Bonus Rewards During the Whitestrake's Mayhem Event!
- Zenimax 2024 February Announcement - Conquer the Battlefield & Earn a New Style During the Whitestrake's Mayhem PvP Event
- Zenimax 2023 June Announcement - Strike Down Your Rivals & Reap the Rewards During Whitestrake's Mayhem
- Zenimax 2023 May Announcement - Stalk Tamriel's PvP Battlefields & Earn Bonus Rewards During Whitestrake's Mayhem
- Zenimax 2022 July Announcement - Dominate Your Rivals & Earn Unique Rewards During the Whitestrake's Mayhem PvP Event
- Zenimax 2022 February Announcement - Battle in ESO's PvP Modes & Earn Bonus Rewards during the Whitestrake's Mayhem In-Game Event
- Zenimax 2021 June Announcement - Players Clash During the Midyear Mayhem In-Game Event
- Zenimax 2021 January Announcement - Seize Loot & Glory during the Midyear Mayhem PvP Event!
- Zenimax 2020 June Announcement - Battle Your Fellow Players During the Midyear Mayhem Event
- Zenimax 2020 January Announcement - Fight For Glory During The Midyear Mayhem PvP Event
- Zenimax 2019 Announcement - Fight For Your Alliance (Or Yourself) During The Midyear Mayhem PvP Event!
- Zenimax 2018 Announcement - Prepare For Battle! The Midyear Mayhem PvP Event Returns
- Zenimax 2017 Announcement - Test Your Mettle In The Midyear Mayhem PvP Event!
It has been proposed that Online:Whitestrake's Mayhem be renamed and moved to Whitestrake's Mayhem (event). To leave a message about the renaming of this article, please add it to this article's talk page |