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ON-icon-achievement-Mirrored Cooperation.png Mirrored Cooperation
Type Gold Road Achievements
Points 15
Defeat Count Ryelaz and Zilyesset after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Lucent Citadel.

Mirrored Cooperation is awarded for defeating Count Ryelaz and Zilyesset after raising the challenge banner in Veteran Lucent Citadel. That will make the fight more difficult by the following:

  • Enemies become generally stronger
  • Waves of inferniums and skeletons spawn more often (roughly 3 waves of these small adds per 1 Gloomy Blackguard + Shardborn Lightweaver pair), and it's crucial they are dealt with.
  • Environmental threats become more prominent as well: meteor waves on Ryelaz's side come in pairs in quick succession, glass orbs on Zilyesset's side increase in numbers.
  • Some additional mechanics (ground AoEs on Ryelaz's side, possibly from skeleton adds) what else?