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Home City Bergama
Location Hall of Judgment
Race Orc Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Outlaw
Muduk (old look)

Muduk is an Orc outlaw found in the Hall of Judgment in Bergama. He leans against the northwest column in the main chamber.


Before the mystery behind the disappearances of citizens in Bergama is resolved, he will be here spying on the behalf of Uncle Thakh:

"Hmm. You looking for a skull thumping? Keep walking, stranger."
What are you doing here?
"What? An Orc's not allowed in the Hall? I didn't see a sign. Piss off."
I'm just curious.
"It ain't your concern, but who cares? I'm keeping an eye on things for Uncle Thakh. Customers disappearing like dust-devils is bad for business.
Redguards aren't worth spit when it comes to listening, so that's my job. I'm a good listener."
And no one hassles you in here?
"Other than you? No, I get along fine in here. I'm, what-you-call-it, naturally gregarious."

After the quest Gone Missing if you've decided to reveal Magistrate Sulma's secret, he'll say:

"So Istah was telling the truth, huh? Don't matter to me—so long as our customers stay alive long enough to pay their debts."

If you've decided to keep her secret, he'll instead say:

"This whole thing stinks. I've watched that Justice for months. If he's crooked, I'm a horker.
That Magistrate is hiding something—and I think I'll find out what it is."