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The "Multi-Rider" mounts are mounts that two or more players can both ride in. They are labeled with a unique icon and the subtitle "Multi-Rider Mount (1 Driver, 1 Passenger)". The Driver controls where the mount goes while the passenger(s) ride with them in the back, unable to control it but still able to travel distances on it. They cannot be set as a Companion's mount.

By default, your active Companion will ride as passenger. This can be turned off under gameplay settings, or you can specify for Companions to ride their own mount when you are in a group. A player in your group can ride with you as a passenger by highlighting your mounted character (default key 'F' on PC/Mac) and selecting the scroll wheel option. Player passengers always take precedence over Companions.

Black Fredas Pillion WalkerEdit

Double trouble approaches when this pitch-black steed rides into town. With more than enough ill-tidings to go around, this Black Fredas steed is living proof that misery loves company.
Black Fredas Pillion Walker

The Black Fredas Pillion Walker is a multi-rider equine mount. It was first available in the 2024 Black Fredas Special! for 019001,900  .

Dark Brotherhood Crew SteedEdit

The steeds of the Dark Brotherhood are conditioned to run blindly ahead in the darkness, fully trusting their riders. When the situation demands it, the horses will even run with multiple riders clinging to them on all sides, never flinching or faltering.
Dark Brotherhood Crew Steed

The Dark Brotherhood Crew Steed is available as an Apex-level reward in the Dark Brotherhood Crates. Its default name is "Abetted Moon".

Duo-Dynamo Argent SpiderEdit

"Need a mount that won't eat you out of house and home? For two? Well, this argent Dwarven spider mount can manage both! And don't worry about it losing its shine—it'll gleam until the end of times."—Devbarth the Stablemaster
Duo-Dynamo Argent Spider

The Duo-Dynamo Argent Spider is a Dwarven spider multi-rider mount that carries one driver and one passenger. It was available in the Crown Store for 050005,000   from June 29th to July 13th, 2023. Its default name is "Silverfire".

Duo-Dynamo Burnished SpiderEdit

"Want a distraction? If you need to head overland to your mark, take your partner with you on a shiny Dwarven spider, make a showy arrival to draw eyes away from your third, and then get to business. Never fails … someone. Not me."—Dahnadreel

The Duo-Dynamo Burnished Spider is an upcoming mount. It carries one driver and one passenger. Its default name is "Jangleclash".

Duo-Dynamo Dwarven SpiderEdit

"Clearly the Dwarves liked to travel in pairs now and again, so they built this two-seated animunculi for that purpose. My partner and I adore using it on market day!"—Delyna Ulvel
Duo-Dynamo Dwarven Spider

The Duo-Dynamo Dwarven Spider is an upcoming mount. It is the first multi-passenger mount available in the Elder Scrolls Online. It was previewed by the developers in the ESO Live Q3 DLC First Look and was disabled after public testing resulted in false account locks in Patch 6.1.0 and 6.2.0. It carries one driver and one passenger. Its default name is "Clatterclank".

Grand Pillion Draft HorseEdit

Ride in style with a close friend or partner on this sturdy Skyrim-bred draft horse! With its pillion saddle crafted from genuine horker leather, this horse possesses strength to take two riders without breaking a sweat.
Grand Pillion Draft Horse

The Grand Pillion Draft Horse is a multi-rider equine mount. It became available in the Crown Store for 050005,000   on July 7, 2022. Its default name is "Shieldstomper".

Hew's Bane Pillion PalfreyEdit

Smuggler crews in Hew's Bane first trained these palfreys to bear two riders. Originally, the training was just a cover story to hide their illicit work. But they quickly found having a mount that could hold two extremely useful for heists.
Hew's Bane Pillion Palfrey

The Hew's Bane Pillion Palfrey is a multi-rider mount. It will be available in the Crown Store for 050005,000   from September 28 to October 5, 2023. Its default name is "Heist".

Mara's Pledge MareEdit

In some towns, pledging oaths before Mother Mara is accompanied by a lavish gift. Legends describe a steed exchanged at Bravil, white as fresh snow and adorned with spring's first flowers. And thus a tradition was born that has survived until today.
Mara's Pledge Mare

The Mara's Pledge Mare was available in the Crown Store for 050005000   from February 8 to February 15, 2024. Its default name is "Mother Mare."

Nightmare Pillion CourserEdit

"Beware lone roads and moonless nights. Beware the haunted hooves. Beware the burning-coal eyes and the fiery trail that follows each dogged step. Most of all, beware of the path of the steed's terrible riders."—Folk Legends of Tamriel
Nightmare Pillion Courser

The Nightmare Pillion Courser is a multi-rider mount available as an Apex-level reward in Diamond Anniversary Crates. Its default name is "Cinderstride".

Seaghost Pillion MooseEdit

"I've always preferred moose to elk or horses. In battle they're more reliable, they're cussed strong, and for overland travel they can't be beat. Plus, their noses are just so soft!" —Yvon Serielle, Daggerfall
Seaghost Pillion Moose

The Seaghost Pillion Moose is available in the Crown Store for 050005,000   from August 8 to August 15, 2024. Its default name is "Tooker".

Skingrad Pillion CourserEdit

"The first pillion mount in Skingrad came about when two of Rislav's siblings wished to ride with fewer guards about. 'Two guards per horse,' they were told. Thus they created the first battle-hardened pillion mount."—Richon Charchere, Stablemaster
Skingrad Pillion Courser

The Skingrad Pillion Courser is a multi-rider mount. It was first made available in the Crown Store for 050005,000   on March 9, 2023. Its default name is "Taciturn".

Spiritwalker Pillion ElkEdit

"Calmer than horses and more dependable than camels, elk are the preferred mount for traversing Tamriel's forests. Their regal bearing gives the rider plenty of visibility, without attracting too much attention."—Steady Hooves: An Elkback Journey
Spiritwalker Pillion Elk

The Spiritwalker Pillion Elk is a multi-rider mount that was available in the Crown Store for 050005,000   from January 23 to January 30, 2025. Its default name is "Olir."

Wayrest Vanner Pillion SteedEdit

Bred by savvy Wayrest stablehands to handle heavy loads, these horses can carry more than one rider. The saddle, crafted by leatherworker Amal, provides both riders with stability while making for an easy ride on the animal.
Wayrest Vanner Pillion Steed

The Wayrest Vanner Pillion Steed is a multi-rider mount. It will be available in the Crown Store for free to those who earn the Inheritor of the Scholarium achievement within the promotional window. Its availability runs from June 3 to July 1, 2024 for PC/Mac and June 18 to July 16, 2024 for console players. Unlocking the achievement requires one to complete every quest in the Scribing questline (six in total) and restore the Scholarium. Its default name is "Sweetbreeze".