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Online:Murdyn Veralas

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Murdyn Veralas
Home City Davon's Watch
Location Davon's Watch Market District
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Noble
Murdyn Veralas

Murdyn Veralas is a Dark Elf noble found in the city of Davon's Watch. He can be found speaking with Lyrvekka on occasion.


Murdyn and Lyrvekka can be heard having the following conversations:

Murdyn Veralas: "You ever fought the Daggers?"
Lyrvekka: "A few times. And the Dominion, when I served in Shadowfen."
Murdyn Veralas: "Is it true their soldiers drink the blood of infants?"
Lyrvekka: "Uh, no. Most of the Covenant soldiers we met drank beer."

Murdyn Veralas: "What's your opinion of the Fighters Guild, soldier?"
Lyrvekka: "I've never had a problem with them."
Murdyn Veralas: "You don't regard them as upstart amateurs?"
Lyrvekka: "The guild is apolitical, not unprofessional."

Lyrvekka: "I'd love to get that sword at Riidras Avani's store."
Murdyn Veralas: "What's stopping you?"
Lyrvekka: "Can't afford it. Maybe someday."
Murdyn Veralas: "Being lowborn must be awful. I couldn't stand it."

Lyrvekka: "Think we'll ever have peace in Cyrodiil?"
Murdyn Veralas: "I hope not. Strife keeps our culture strong."
Lyrvekka: "Huh. Ever served on the front lines?"
Murdyn Veralas: "By the Three, no. That's for lowborn like you. No offense."