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Online:Necrotic Hoarvor

< Elder Scrolls Online: Creatures

This article is about the creature. For the pet, see Necrotic Hoarvor (pet).

Necrotic Hoarvor
Location Spriggan summons in Coldharbour
Species Hoarvor
Health 25,091
Reaction Hostile
Necrotic Hoarvor

Necrotic Hoarvors are poisonous hoarvors found in various areas teeming with death. They can be summoned by spriggans at the Moonless Walk.

Related QuestsEdit

Skills and AbilitiesEdit


Vile Bite
The hoarvor bites as a basic melee attack, dealing low disease damage.
Vile Bite Poison
2 second long damage over time after Vile Bite hits.
Fevered Retch
The hoarvor vomits, indicated by a red cone, dealing low disease damage instantly followed by low disease damage over time.
Infectious Swarm
The hoarvor releases putrid fluids around itself, dealing low continuous disease damage. If hit, the target in turn deals continuous damage to nearby allies.
Necrotic Explosion
When the hoarvor dies, it explodes in a moderately-sized growing AoE, dealing low disease damage and snaring.

Imperial City PrisonEdit

Poison Spit
The Necrotic Hoarvor continuously spits poison in front of itself, dealing fast ticks of moderate poison damage. It leaves "Poison Mist" which also deals continuous poison damage to targets inside. After some time, Poison Spit becomes "Poison Overdose" which deals very fast ticks of very high poison damage.

Generic Necrotic HoarvorsEdit

Generic, unnamed necrotic hoarvors can be encountered in various places across Tamriel, including delves, dungeons, and DLC content. These necrotic hoarvors have varying stats, namely health. Below is a list of necrotic hoarvors, categorized by location, difficulty and health.

Zone / Dungeon Specific Location Difficulty Health
Imperial City Prison  Imperial Subterrane  49,116 180,450
Bahraha's Gloom  Delve occupants 31,364
Summoned by The Covetous Damned 13,846
Summerset  Summoned by Hoarvor Daedra 10,900
Summerset  Eton Nir Grotto 29,870
Orcrest  The whole dungeon 13,846
The Deadlands 
False Martyrs' Folly, The Sever 
Near bodies of fluid 


  • Necrotic Hoarvors in The Sever don't explode upon death.
