- Eldertide druids ready themselves for the chill of winter during their New Life stargazing session with these snug and cozy robes. If you wish to join them in their study of the stars, be sure to prepare with your own set of these festive robes!
File:ON-costume-New Life Winter Storm Robes.jpg
New Life Winter Storm Robes
New Life Winter Storm Robes Appearance |
Type | Costume |
New Life Winter Storm Robes is a costume themed around the New Life Festival. It was first made available during the New Life Festival event in 2024 through the A Warm Winter Storm achievement, which requires collecting and using A Bolt of Winter Storm Cloth 15 times.
There is one achievement associated with this collectible:
Achievement | Points | Description | |
A Warm Winter Storm | 15 | Acquire and use 15 <a href='//esoitem.uesp.net/itemLink.php?&itemid=212198' class='eso_item_link eso_item_link_q0' itemid='212198' >Bolts of Winter Storm Cloth</a> from the New Life Festival to unlock the New Life Winter Storm Robes costume. |