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Online:Niro Gratas

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Niro Gratas
Location Along the road south of Castle Faregyl.
Race Imperial Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Niro Gratas

Niro Gratas is an Imperial found south of Castle Faregyl, along the road and leaning against one of the markers. If you pass by him, he will call out to saying, "Hey you! Want to make a bit of gold?" or "Hey! Yeah, you! Come here." Accepting his proposition will have you delivering a message to an old employee. Though he says very little about himself, other people describe him as a very dangerous individual.

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"Well, there. You look like someone who could use some coin. How about running a simple errand for me? It'll pay well."
What's the errand?
"It's easy. All you have to do is bring a letter to Octavimus Bincal in the village of Cropsford.
He'll pay you when you deliver the letter. I guarantee it."
That's it?
"That's it. Just ensure the letter reaches Octavimus and we'll all be happy."
I'll deliver the letter.

Once you have agreed to complete the errand, you can ask him about Octavimus and the letter itself though he will quickly stop any in-depth questions.

"If you're lost, Cropsford is northeast of here. If you hit Drakelowe Keep, you've gone too far."
What's in the letter?
"Words, mostly. Plus some punctuation marks to make it easier to read. A little spit too, since I like to lick the tips of my pens."
I meant, "What does the letter say?"
"I know what you meant. That was my polite way of saying it's none of your business. Let's just leave it at that.
Don't you have a letter to deliver?"
Who's Octavimus?
"No one of any importance. Just a former employee of mine. I'm writing him a friendly note, to let him know that I still think of him from time to time. And that I know where he lives.
All that should matter to you is that he has some money for you."
Will he be happy to get this letter?
"Who wouldn't be happy to get a letter from me? You seem like a very suspicious sort, asking all these questions. I hope you don't bother poor Octavimus with questions like this."
