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Home Settlement Belkarth
Race Orc Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Nuza is an Orc found in the town of Belkarth.


She is non-interactive, but can be overheard talking to Sigrid about their experiences working as caravan guards:

Sigrid: "I've had about enough of this. They can't pay me enough to protect these caravans."
Nuza: "You're telling me. You know what attacked us the other day? Warriors made out of stone! How are you supposed to fight such creatures? We left the carts in the middle of the road and ran."
Sigrid: "I think I'll go to Dragonstar. There's an arena up there. Lots of gold for the taking."
Nuza: "Fighting in the arena has got to be safer than guarding the caravans, anyhow."