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Online:Octavius Vestum

< Elder Scrolls Online: People
Octavius Vestum
Location North of Skingrad
Race Imperial Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Octavius Vestum

Octavius Vestum is an Imperial farmer and the uncle of Bella Vestum. He has become concerned with the increasing hostility of the local goblins and was recently attacked by one. Octavius is encountered at his small farm north of Skingrad.

Related QuestsEdit

Quest-Related EventsEdit

You can start the quest by either first talking to Bella Vestum or heading to the Vestum Farm, either way, when you approach the farm you find Octavius Vestum, Pim and the goblin hunter Jerntann talking over the body of a dead goblin:

Octavius Vestum: "A Goblin just attacked me, Pim! My niece is missing. I'm hiring the hunters!"
Pim: "Give me more time, I can figure out what's upsetting them. I can calm them down!"
Jerntann: "Sorry, Goblin researcher. Looks like I won."
<Jerntann walks away from the farm.>

Speaking with Octavius before Pim:

"I need to protect my farm. My family! My niece, Bella, went out on her own, and now she's missing. If hiring those hunters will save her life, then I'm going to do it.
Even if Pim hates me."
If you think Bella is missing, why not form a search party?
"She'd be fine if those Goblins weren't out here. One of them just attacked me, you can see its body there! The goblins are the problem and Jerntann's hunters are the solution. I know it."
I met Bella. She's not in any danger. / I met your niece in the city. (Appears if you spoke with Bella beforehand)
"Then she still has to make her way back here to safety, and that's not something I can guarantee with all these Goblins around. I know my course. The hunters are the only way to ensure my family's safety."

When you talk to Pim, she will be convinced something unusual is agitating the Goblins and asks for your help investigating the local camps. After you finish speaking to Pim:

Pim: "Keep your gold, Octavius. My friend and I are going to fix this!"
Octavius Vestum: "Do what you have to. But don't blame me, Pim."