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Online:Supernal Dreamers

< Elder Scrolls Online: Factions(Redirected from Online:Omen)

The Supernal Dreamers are a cult that worship the Daedric Prince Vaermina, active in Stormhaven. They are attempting to wreak havoc by crippling the region's rulers with Vaermina's nightmares. Supernal Dreamers can also be found at the Vaermina's Shrine in Cyrodiil. They are known to work with Omens, the daedric servants of Vaermina.

For more information, see the main lore article.



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  • Cut dialogue implies that Hircine and the Glenmoril Wyrd may have originally been planned to be the antagonists in Stormhaven, instead of Vaermina and her Supernal Dreamers. For more info, please see the Cut Content article.
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